Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rattlesnake Rodeo Weekend

Gosh I can hardly believe the weekend is over already. It seems like Monday's come way too fast!!

Well Friday night Karter had a terrible night. I could just tell his stomach was hurting him. He was going to the bathroom, so I kept thinking it would get better. Well Saturday morning I had to be at the stadium at 8:45 to work the front gate.... Kyle kept texting me telling me that Karter just wasn't feeling well. He was whiny and kept having dirty diapers. Well when i got home from the rodeo I gave him some Peptobismol. Just a small dosage though... I was scared. Well Heidi was still at the rodeo because she went with my mom early that morning. About the time I got home and gave Karter the Pepto she called wanting to come home. So Karter and I loaded up and went and got her. He fell asleep on the way and took a long nap after we got home. He felt so much better after he woke up. He woke up and wouldn't eat any lunch. So we all piled in the suburban with Dale, Joanne, Nick, & Alyssa and went to the rodeo.

We weren't there long before Alyssa got sick and they all left. We didn't get to see them much this weekend at all it seems. They came back to our house for a while and then went back to their hotel. We stayed at the rodeo. I got me a funnel cake and tried to feed some to the kids, but neither one was fond of it. Then later that afternoon I tried to call my dads house to see if he would come get the kids. I found a great place to sit to watch Billy Currington and didn't want to lose the seat and I knew my dad had already called me twice asking if he needed to come get Karter. Well Tyler was there and said my dad had left and went to Andalusia and was going to stay there and eat at my aunt and uncle's house..... :( So I for sure wasn't going to call him and ask him to drive back to Opp. So we ended up calling Kyle's mom and she brought us jackets and blankets and got the kiddos. I got to keep my seats :) and Lindsay, Amanda, & Jonathan met us up there and we all watched the concert.

This morning we had to be at church earlier because I covered Valerie's Sunday School class for her. Dale & his bunch decided to meet us here after church to get their camera and Xbox 3 (Which we will not EVER own because Kyle and I would probably get a divorce because of that little machine *hehe*)! We tried to get them to go eat something with us, but they were ready to get on the road. They ended up staying for about I dont know.... 45 minutes or so. So all I got to see them was Friday night when we grilled, a couple hours on Saturday and those few minutes today. I just feel like they didn't have any fun :( I don't think Opp was as exciting as Orlando is. Why doesn't everyone else enjoy the Rattlesnake Rodeo as much as I do?? I LOVE to walk around... eat a funnel cake... get a huge thing of FRESH squeezed lemonade, push the stroller... let Heidi look at anything she wants to and just see all kinds of people. I'm just all about it!!

Then this afternoon... believe it or not Heidi and I actually took naps!! Those of you that know me know if I take a nap.... I am exhausted. I just do not nap! We slept for about 2 1/2 hours. It was so nice. I felt so much better when I woke up. Which is why I am able to blog tonight :)! Kyle and Karter woke us up in time to get ready for church. Speaking of church..... my brother.... God love him.... falls asleep during every service at church. So tonight Sophie was moving all around and I told him so he got to feel her move... which kept him "occupied" for a little bit! Oh and Dale really wanted to feel her move, but everytime he put his hand on my stomach she would stop moving. I guess she didn't like the heat of his hand. I hated that to... he really was interested in the whole pregnancy/movement thing.

Then tonight Jon Wesley, Leigh Ann, & the girls came over to Kent & Cindy's and we ate Tacos. The girls LOVE that time together... they play and play and play. Tonight they actually hunted Easter eggs and played Flower Girls with the.... whatever it's called that goes inside an Easter basket... my mind has gone blank... but they made a HUGE mess with that stuff. Oh and when they were over for Cindy's birthday Shelly Kate (she will be 5 May 7th) said "We saw where you were naming the baby Sophie on my mommy's comptuer.... but my mommy doesn't like that name".... it was so funny to me. The honesty of children! Leigh Ann said she never said that, but that it would definitely have to grow on her... I told her that was okay because it has to grow on Kyle too!

Anyway... Karter has had several dirty diapers tonight. But we're keeping him hydrated as best as we can.... so maybe he is okay?!?! Hopefully we'll have a good night!

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