Look at my Sophie girl :)!!! I had to take her to the doctor Friday :(! She had been running fever, was very raspy, had a hard cough, green snot, and just flat out didn't feel good. She is now on Claritan daily and she had a small amount of fluid on both ears, but they were hardly even red. Dr E gave us an antibiotic to prevent them from getting infected.
Well Little tiny weighed 14.3lbs. She will be 9 months old Saturday! Long story short... she weighed 13.6lbs at her 6 month check up which was about 2 1/2 months ago.... so she hasn't even gained a pound in that length of time. She eats very well..... she is just petite. Dr E kept talking about how small she was, so finally I asked him just how small he was talking about... so he pulled the chart out and charted her growth and needless to say... she isn't on the charts. She's way below the 5th percentile for her age. Her cousin Frazier is making the same progress. I think he finally made it to the 4th percentile on his weight. They just got to be the two cousins that inherited Grandmama's genes :)!
Friday afternoon I was starving!! With me taking her to the doctor, etc... I didn't get lunch. I went to Sonic, but the dad gum button wouldn't work *L*! So I just left because they were full!!
So my dad and I had planned that we would all go out to eat....we decided on the Elba Oyster House.... and anyway this was before we left.
That above is Karter outside of the restaurant and you can barely see Heidi way in front of him.
Well this is a gross story... soooooo if you have a weak stomach, skip over it!! I'll make it as short as possible. We were at our table and our food had just gotten there. I had gotten a hamburger and onion rings... which would have been my 2nd burger since I started my diet... so that's a pretty good accomplishment for me. Anyway.... Sophie got to coughing, and then I could tell she was choking because she had been sucking on a fry.... well all of a sudden (thankfully I turned her facing me) she was like a never ending faucet. Everything she had consumed..... just came up! My shirt was FULLLLLLLLLL of Sophie's supper. It was so bad that it even made it's way down my pants!!! YUCK!!! And the smell..... OMG.... she had eaten pear yogurt, ham & Pineapple baby food, and of course the french fry.
I didn't want to make everyone around us sick, so I held her against me and Kyle walked out with me.... we took her shirt off because she of course had a change of clothes... but i on the other hand didn't, and the clothing stores right there at us were closed. The smell was AWFUL!!!! SO I just sat on the back of the car with the hood up and let the others finish eating. We also had to ride with the windows down coming back!! AND by the time I got cleaned up at home, my burger was COLD and not good! So that was a pretty adventurous Friday night needless to say.
Saturday morning Heidi went on a trail ride with my mom. Here's Sophie trying on her hat *L*!
She had so much fun!!!
Look real close... you can see a butterfly trying to land on Heidi.... it's like up to the left of her head.
While Heidi went trail riding, Kyle, Karter, my Dad, and the Messer boys helped Cindy do some stuff to her yard. So Sophie and I ran to Enterprise to get some stuff for birthday parties.
The left side is at Christmas.... the last time just Sophie and I went shopping. The right side was of course taken Saturday.
I had to make it back in time to take Karter to his friend, Luke's, birthday party.
Luke with his Daddy... then Luke was telling Karter something *L*!
After the party, we headed home and of course both babies fell asleep. So instead of getting them out and then 40 minutes later loading them back up, we headed on out to my Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Becky's for a fish fry!!
Here are the yummy fish before :)
Here are the yummy fish before :)
Aunt Becky and Soph
Kyle ended up riding with Abby and the Messer boys out there..... and of course he immediately started "playing" with the kiddos.
Abby and Aunt Becky.... and then Jamie Leigh :( she had her tonsils removed Thursday.... so she's not feeling too hot!
I didn't know until about an hour or so before hand that Tyler was coming.... so that was a really nice surprise :)
Here are the fish after :)!! The kids love fish!
The moon as most of you know.... was the closest to Earth than it has been in 18 years... and it'll be like 2029 or something like that before it's that close again. So I had to get a picture of course :)!
Abs and Bug
Sunday after church, Kyle, Heidi, and I took off to Dothan to get the kids some summer clothes. I didn't expect such hot weather in March.... and I have never been this far behind on having their clothes for the upcoming season. I ALWAYS have a season ahead waiting... maybe I'll get back on track now :)!!
So here's Heidi at PetSmart:
Papa and Karter:
In the bottom picture, Kyle was telling her to look.... and she was in the middle of saying "Me looking" when he snapped the picture. DrAmA child I tell you....
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