Dr E called Karter in some medicine today that should clear him right up.... and Kyle went to the doctor and got a lovely shot in the hind quarters *L* and an antibiotic. So hopefully they'll all get better and Heidi and I won't catch it. She's staying with my mom for the 2nd time tonight. I just really don't want her in this germ infested house!! It's getting a good cloroxed cleaning tomorrow.
Anyway.... my dad was off work last Thursday.... so he kept Sophie for me. Here are a few pictures of her when I went by at lunch. She looks real sick *L*!!
Thursday night Heidi and I treated ourselves to a girls night. I had to go to WalMart to get some stuff for K's party... so I got bug to go with me and we relaxed a little :)!! We enjoyed ourselves a pedicure. She got the WORKS!! The last time we went they just painted her toes... but this time I honestly think she got a better pedicure than I did. She got LOTS of massages.
Friday I stayed home again and kept sick Sophie girl. We had a very good day and I was able to get most everything done for Karter's party that I needed to do.
Kyle thinks she looks like me in this picture...
When I picked the big kids up from Kids World, I got this note in her cubby..... it really brought tears to my eyes :(! Time has gone by so fast.... I don't even know how that happened. And we go tomorrow night for her Kindergarten screening.
Friday night Heidi and I went to Troy with my dad, Grandmama, Yana, Uncle Victor, and Aunt Kathy to watch Tyler perform in Metamorphosis. It was AWESOME and I was so unbelievably proud of my little brother :)!
So anyway... Kyle stayed at home with the babies (this was before his fever kicked in).... and he sent me these pictures..... oh at the memories they are making :)!
So anyway... Kyle stayed at home with the babies (this was before his fever kicked in).... and he sent me these pictures..... oh at the memories they are making :)!
Kyle took this without me knowing it.... by the looks of the crinkles on my head I was either really thinking about something or the sun was bright *L*!
My little man figured out something was going on when I walked outside dressed up... haha... he knows that I just wear my tshirt around the house *L*!
I'm thinking that Karter was telling me something and I was trying to text and respond at the same time.
This was right before we went in the play....
So I looked all in the program to see if cameras were prohibited and no where in it did it say no cameras allowed.... so I whipped my camera out and snapped these pictures... and yes I got in trouble :(!! Although it's not in the program, I still couldn't take any pictures.
These were taken after the play... Heidi and her bashful self did NOT want her picture taken. She was soooooo excited to see KyKy.... so much so that she ended up going back Sunday to watch the play just to see him :)!
This was the cool stage.... the entire play revolved around that pool in the center of it. Crazy huh? Tyler said it was freezing!
The green room. Just like on movies... those things in front of the mirrors were actually used during the play... I guess they just placed them there to get them out of the way.
Those girls had to pose like a statue for like 30 minutes before the play started. Some of the positions looked difficult.
After the play, we went to get a late night snack at Sonic. It was very enjoyable... except we all got pretty cold.
Oh... KyKy had to get his hair cut for the play :(!! ByeBye Swoop and light blonde hair. That brings me to the next question.... why did Tyler get the pretty hair??? Most women would LOVE to have his natural hair color~!
Poor Kyle didn't go to church Sunday. He was fevered and on call. He of course got called out... twice.... and had no choice but to work sick, and his feet were super swollen (allergy he has). So anyway... the kids and I went.... and here is a picture of Sophie and her friend Drake during the nursery Sunday night:
They kept fighting over every toy.... Drake would get it, Sophie would take it. She's going to make all the boys tough *L*! Thanks to her big brother.
Oops... I got a little mixed up somehow.... this picture was taken Saturday afternoon going in to Granny's to eat. I think he managed the 3 of them quite well.
And this was actually this morning before school..... they both conked out before we left... that is Sophie with him.
Today at lunch i came by to bring Karter's medicine... and anyway.... the computer was up where had been watching a movie... and here's his snack I found *haha*!!:
This weekend Karter has really started talking A LOT And he talks to plain. Heidi wasn't this advanced in her speech at this point in her life. She had had a lot of ear trouble (like Sophie is having) and ended up with two sets of tubes and her adenoids out before she was 2. So they always told me she was saying the words as she was hearing them. She is still in speech, but she has improved SOOOOO much and we don't think she will have to have speech once she starts Kindergarten. And we have always treated her speech impediment.... not as though "She isn't the same as everyone else", but as though she is cool because she gets to do homework already. I did not want her to feel "different" because not everyone had to have it... if any of that makes since. Karter's language is amazing to me. Kyle said that he has called him "Kyle" all day.... only said "Daddy" a few times. I really hope it's just a phase..... although it didn't bother Kyle when Heidi would call him Kyle (she called him Kyle until she was 4 1/2.... and before that she never called him Daddy). Kyle got him to say "Toyia" and he says it really plain. Just amazing their difference to me.
He's calling Papa on my phone... and ends up yelling for Nana half way through it.
This afternoon we ran to T&C and picked up some fabric. They have a TON of fabric!!! Very nice store. So anyway... the girls and Babee waited for me there until I got off.
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