I have been so touched by it, that I wanted to share with you a few things from it.
- The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, and behind every great man is a greater woman...... No one ever goes around saying, "Behind every great woman is a greater man."
- God has given women a diverse makeup that enables them to carry out multiple functions well.
*AMEN! Right? I can do like 10 things at once and Heaven forbid Kyle try to do 3 things at once! HA! That's just the way God made us women. I found this interesting... the Hebrew word for man is yatsar which translates to "to form, as a potter". In other words there is usually on 1 thing a pot can do. Boil things. How about that?
- The fastest way to get yourself off track from fulfilling God's kingdom destiny for you is to view yourself as a superwoman who has to do it all on her own.
* I can't tell you how many times I have tried to be superwoman. There just were not enough hours in the day to work a full time job, raise 3 kids alone while Kyle was gone to work, cook supper, do homework, go to dance, get baths, and then stay up a couple more hours once the kids were gone to bed to prepare for the next day and make treats or whatever was happening. This part of the book opened my eyes up so much! Because we are NOT Superwoman!!
I loved this quote, " Find out what God is doing, jump in the river of His will, and flow with the current of His plans."
A lot of it hit me straight in the heart because I felt it dealt a lot with what I went through a couple years ago. And soooo many of you need to know, "that there is hope. Jesus knows right where you are, and He knows how long you've been there. He has a way out of any hopelessness you may feel."
The entire time I tried to "direct" my situation into how I thought it needed to be and when I felt so lonely, Jesus was with me every step of the way. What I didn't know at the time was how each step would later make me stronger and more dependent on Him.
I don't know if y'all are like me, but there are some things that I have prayed YEARS for and it is so hard not to just give up. Chrystal said, "A lot of us have given up on God. We have counted the years when it seems our prayers have not been answered, and we have determined it's too late. Too many times we miss out on the destiny God has for us because we have stopped looking. We have stopped hoping." Like that lost family member, or finances, or jobs, just whatever it is that seems like an endless road, we are reminded that it isn't. GOD'S TIMING IS NOT OUR TIMING.
Kyle and I were sitting in the car line one day this week as I was reading and I couldn't help but read this out loud when I came across it.... Evidently you can go to church and not meet Jesus. Whoa Nelly!!! Some people go to church just for the motion. I did that for a long time. I went because I knew my children needed to be there, but not because I wanted to be there. I was a body in a pew. Basically took up space and someones Oxygen. It was almost like a shield. I was not willing to let Jesus in because I was so mad at him for "allowing me" to feel the way I did.
This was me...... The reason why so many people end up bound by issues is that they try to address the circumstances rather than appealing to the One who can address the root. The circumstances may be the result of a spiritual situation.
Chrystal says that , "Every experience we have, God can use for His glory." Sometimes it is hard to view it that way, but when we do, it really opens our eyes to the bigger picture. For instance, I know couples that have gone through almost a divorce (or even a divorce) & got back together and it has been the best thing they ever did. At the time it was an awful experience, but there is a reason that we don't see things the way God does.
- Jesus is real. The relationship that He longs to have with me is real.
- Life is hard. Life is tough. Life is real. She talks about a race that she was in back in school and how everyone's races differently. Everyone has a different way of doing things, but all in all..... we are ALL after the same goal! I really wish I had this book as I was struggling through depression. She says, "He's calling your name. He's cheering for you, telling you that you can make it and encouraging you as you run your race. You don't need to give up." It is almost like I audibly heard Him tell me that on that April night. He was screaming at me when He knew I was giving up.... "TOYIA DON'T QUIT NOW!!!!" I am so thankful I listened.
I want to finish well :)!!
Hope this didn't bore you too much :)!!! Just hard not to share about it because it is such a wonderful read and y'all know.... I AM NOT A READER!!!
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