This was me holding Sophie Friday afternoon & Heidi "chillin" at Sonic :)!!
Karter helped Kyle kill all the weeds :) and Josh enjoyed time in the pool!
Karter wanted to get a bath in the sink... he loves it!!! So Heidi wanted to get in too. She hasn't had a bath sink in a while... I think you can see why *L*!!
Saturday we really enjoyed the day. Hank came over that morning to play and then Shelly Kate and Miley Grace came over. They played and played and played. We had a shrimp boil Saturday afternoon for Kyle's birthday (which is actually tomorrow :) BIG 27).
Hank was getting a sip from Karter's fountain *L*! And then I thought I got great shots of Hank and Heidi doing cannon balls!
We had a nice evening for the shrimp boil... the weather was perfect!! Everyone was able to come except my dad and Yana. They had to go out of town for my dads work.
Oh what dirty kiddos *L*! (Not Heidi's under garments :).... it's the lining on her shorts
GAME TIME!!! Kyle LOVES his Alabama football. He wears his "lucky" jersey EVERY game! It's so funny because he gets so into the game that he forgets his surroundings.... at one point he was screaming and "dancing" so loud that it scared Karter bad!! Karter is scared of loud noises anyway... and to see his dad yelling really upset him :(! But Kyle said he will learn... and before too much longer, Karter will be screaming at the TV too.
There are a couple videos at the end of Karter. He was giving his daddy a kiss in one video.
Aunt Angela
Sunday started a wonderful revival at our church, Ino Baptist. Brother Rick Corum and Michael Combs were joining us!! I LOVE Michael Combs. I first heard him years and years ago at Ino... I want to think maybe it was a homecoming... I remember us being in the family life center and he sung on stage. You really should you tube some of his songs... Not For Sale is my favorite... but he has lots and lots of others that I like. Brother Rick is AWESOME! He talks so fast by the time the message is over you feel like you've got a work out :)!!
Last night's message was on Troubles. There is NOTHING that God can't get you out of. No trouble is too big for God. We really enjoyed his message. The only down side were there were lots of distractions... people constantly getting up. Seriously why can't everyone just go to the bathroom before it starts?? And then Heidi has to go out there with us. Children 4 and older have to go to the sanctuary. She really did good considering she is 4 and her attention span is SHORT. It's just hard for a 4 year old to sit still that long.
These pictures were taken Sunday afternoon. Sophie did NOT want to take a picture with her daddy *L*! Kyle was all smiles!
Wow... today Heidi started dance and tee ball. Dance is on Mondays from 4:30-5:30. I am really excited about it. She's taking in Andalusia and is taking tap, ballet, and gymnastics. We are going to start next week carpooling with 3 other "Opp girls". I am more excited about that because I took dance for 8 years in Enterprise and there were 4 or 5 of us "Opp girls" that car pooled. I have a lot of good memories doing that and I hope Heidi will too!
This picture was taken leaving Kids World.... she was dressed and ready to go!
She did not enjoy dance today. She cried pretty much the whole time. Her teacher, Miss Katie, said that Heidi told her the reason she was crying was because she (Katie) was mean *haha*! Heidi told me she was upset because she didn't know anyone and because she didn't feel good. So I'm hoping next Monday will be a different story. I really want her to enjoy it. And I told her that she would get to know the other girls. She knows the Opp girls + Shelly Kate and that's all... and there were a room full of girls... plus "strange" teachers... so my bashful child was a little intimidated I think.
So dance is in Andalusia and isn't over until 5:30... then she had tee ball practice at 6:00 in Opp.... so we had to rush home to change and then off to practice she and her daddy went! Her first game is next Tuesday. Should be interesting *L*! She's on the yellow team!
When practice was over they went by Papa's and got the tee, bat, ball, and another glove so we could practice at home. Heidi does not take "help" very well. My dad said I never liked to get advice from him about ball and well..... neither does Heidi (from me or her dad). She got really upset with both of us trying to "help" her.
I really like the 2nd picture because she just hit the ball and the camera actually caught the ball in the photo.
I had to get my turn at it :)
Enjoy the videos!! It's been a while since I have posted.... Sophie has slept the past two nights... and that's usually when I blog :)..... so I thought I would do one before I went to bed tonight... but Heidi is sitting here next to me begging for us to go to bed (yes she still sleeps with us)... so off we go!!
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