I know, I know! I have been the biggest blog slacker ever! But to be honest, we have been going non stop for the past couple weeks.
This past Friday Karter and Heidi both had field trips. Thankfully Kyle was home and he went with Karter and I went with Heidi. Karter's letter last week was "C".... so Thursday they went to a Chicken Farm and Friday they had a Cowpoke and horse riding field trip. Sophie was so excited that she was getting to go with the boys to ride horses.
Kyle mastered the braid! |
See Soph? Right in the middle of the big kids... |
He got some pampering while we were at Gulf World :)! |
I was very thankful I was able to go on the 2nd grade field trip. I missed the 1st grade one, so this helped to make up. We had an absolute blast.
Heidi and Mrs. Sasser talked me into sitting with the class in the "splash zone" and as you can tell we got pretty soaked! Mrs. Sasser did teach me a new phrase.... YOLO=You Only Live Once! |
Her Class :) |
After the field trip, we grabbed a bite to eat and headed back. We got my car, Brayden's present, and headed to The Tisdales house so I could help with Braydens party some.
Kman and the Birthday Boy |
Sophie had just woken up from a nap a little before we got there (Kyle and the babies went on out there to help grill or whatever they needed) and was very irritable and wanting me. Long story short she got her self so worked up that she ended up throwing up on me and her. I'm talking like all over us..... clothes, hair, etc. so she and I had to come home to get showers. Once she threw up she was a totally different child. We made it back to there house about 10 minutes after the party time started.
Presley, Heidi, & Oki having fun... |
Love these pictures of Sophie and Karter...
We got home after 9:00, got baths & we all crashed. Next thing we knew it was Saturday morning and we had to be at the ball field at 8:30 for Jamboree kick off. Kyle ran and got us Hardees to get us going :)!
Is this not the cutest thing ever? |
Look at all these teams..... it was our 1st Jamboree.... was really beautiful to me seeing everyone on the field and all the colors.... |
Heidi wanted her Daddy to hold her :)!! |
They played each other in the 1st game. |
Sibling Support! |
We really had a great time.... I love watching them play ball.
Karter was talking to and watching the girls while waiting for his next game. |
Family Photo :)!! Kman Supporters.... |
Karter had the opening ceremony at 8:30, pictures at 11:30, a game at 1 and 3... and then Hank played at 4... so we watched Hank until time to go to Miley Grace's party at 5. We were some tired folks!
Of course Sophie wouldn't take a picture. She was too worried about pushing Heidi out of her way. |
She did enjoy doing the Cha Cha Slide with the big kids. Not a bashful bone in that child's body I tell you.
Yesterday after church we came home, changed clothes, and headed to MeMe's to do her Easter.
Kman wanted me to take a picture of just him :)! |
You all probably remember that MeMe has gotten all the kids some type of pet every Easter. We have gotten a rabbit, chickens, ducks, fish, & hamsters. We all begged her not to give an animal this year. I was so relieved when she came out with their buckets and plants. They each made their own "fairy garden" and had a BLAST doing it. It was really such a neat idea.
She started off by telling them this big story about the fairies and gardens. They love when she tells stories. |
.... and in their buckets were all the stuff to use to make their gardens.....
You know Sophie is her own self. MeMe gave them each a swimsuit, so she had to put hers on right away. |
Putting soil in their buckets.... |
Adding the plants and decorations.... |
Finished products (minus Karters.... I couldn't get his to upload for whatever reason).....
Sophie's Garden |
Heidi's Garden |
Since they all got swimsuits in their Easter Buckets they thought that meant they had to go swimming in the freezing water. It was so cold, but they had a blast!
And last but not least, yesterday was Brayden's actual birthday.... so we sent him that video. Poor Karter thought he turned 5 Friday night at his party, so when I told him yesterday was his birthday he said, "He is already 6?????".... bless him!
wow, busy, busy, busy! Looks like a lot of fun! :)
ReplyDeletewe've had to ban the word 'YOLO' at our house since Michael (11) was over using it so much it was driving us all nuts!! haha.
That is too funny!