It was really neat to hear what different people saw when they looked at themselves. The study showed that majority of the men liked what they saw; while women generally felt insecure and found flaws.
It got me to thinking about what I see when I look in the mirror. I think as women we are unconsciously comparing ourselves to other women all the time. Such as:
- I wish I was more fit
- I wish I had curly hair, straight hair, short hair, long hair
- Why can't my legs be skinny like hers?
- Why can't my fat go somewhere besides my face and stomach?
- What if my face was completely clear? Wouldn't I look better?
- What if I was as pretty as she is?
I know for me I struggle with self image every day. I think a lot of it stems from childhood and being made fun of during school. I was chunkier than most of my friends in elementary and middle school. I was called "pig nose", made fun of because of the 2 chicken pox scars on my face, in high school I was told I would be prettier "if I didn't have so many pimples". People can be so cruel. It taught me that because of the way it made me feel, I knew I didn't want to treat anyone else that way. I was very careful to not make fun of anyone and to take up for anyone that was.
So what do I see today when I look in the mirror?
- I see someone that still struggles with looks. I have gained about 15 pounds over the past 1 1/2 years and that bothers me. BUT at the same time, I don't want to take time away from my kids to go to the gym.... so I try to accept it and tell myself I'll go when Sophie gets in preschool. I enjoy playing with them outside, taking walks with them, riding bikes with them, anything that involves them.
- I see a face that has started back breaking out just like it did in high school and the comment that was made to me then plays over and over in my head.
- I also see self worth. I am proud of the woman I have become. I am thankful that God blessed me with a wonderful life, family, husband, and children.
- One thing that I wish was different about me is that I do not like what I see when I don't have on makeup. I don't have to wear a lot of makeup daily, but I feel that I need a little powder, eye liner and mascara. I wish that was different. I wish I was more comfortable in my own skin.
- I also see a daughter. I think about how I would feel if Sophie or Heidi struggled with self image and if they didn't like what they saw. I was created in the image of God and he chose two beautiful people to be my parents. Same with our children. I am VERY careful to not say the words "diet", "fat", or anything to that nature in front of the kids. I want them to feel comfortable in their skin.
- I see a body that was chosen to carry 3 beautiful human beings for 9 months each. That makes me thankful for each stretch mark I have.
- The first thing I look at when I look in the mirror is my face. Make sure all is okay there and then move to my stomach. And then on to make sure I don't have too bad of a panty line. I know that sounds crazy, but my Mom was big on no panty lines when we were growing up.
- Most importantly I see a TEMPLE OF GOD!! I know my body is special and sacred. I know I need to take care of it and I need to love the skin I am in.
** I know for Kyle, when he looks in the mirror he keeps me laughing. He fits in the category as most of the men do and is comfortable in his skin. He'll be strutting his stuff, flexing his muscles, making comments like, "mmmm.... don't I look good".... "look at those muscles".... and in reality we would all be so much happier if we could just learn to be comfortable in the skin we are in.
We need to constantly give compliments to one another. We need to watch what we say to each other too. Comments like, "Do you really need to be eating that?" or "that is so unhealthy" or "that has so many calories" actually end up hurting most people. The truth is we all know what is healthy or unhealthy. Sometimes a blizzard at Dairy Queen or a hamburger at Sonic is worth every calorie.
To me, we all need to try to enjoy life a little more. Enjoy grilling out with our families.
I am thankful to be living in the south. Sometimes fried chicken is ohhhh so good and sometimes the taste of that dorito makes your mouth water.
PLUS.... if we ever want to feel better about ourselves, all we have to do is walk in Walmart .
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