Tuesday, September 15, 2015

4th Grade Pioneer Day

 This past Friday was Pioneer Day for the entire 4th grade.  It really was so much fun and so neat to watch all the little pioneers learn about how things were back then.

We were supposed to pack their lunches in buckets :).... and yes I know they didn't have caprisuns, lunchables, and bugles "back then", but just use your imagination for this one.

This just made me laugh.  It was on my story.  Not really sure what the face is about.

Heidi and her cousin (& friend) Megan

They learned how to shuck corn.

Pictures on the wagon
 Heidi's favorite part was the Museum Table:

 For snack the got beef jerky, cornbread, & dried fruit:

Heidi and Oki

Sweet girls!

Abi and Heidi

They made cute little pioneer dolls.

Heidi and one of her teachers, Mrs. Kroher
 They learned how school was back then.... a 1 room Class Room:

The girls with their dolls
 Look at how much fun all these pioneers were having......

Heidi and her other teacher, Mrs. Gafford.

 Once all the outside fun was done they made "log cabins" out of pretzels and chocolate.

I am very thankful that the 4th grade teachers (and many others) took so much time in planning this day for them.  It is a day that Heidi will never forget and I am grateful that I was able to help.

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