Monday, August 17, 2020

Anniversary Getaway

Kyle and I got away this weekend to celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary. We stayed at Shores of Panama in Panama City Beach.  We had a wonderful time.... lots of talking and laughing and people watching 😁.  For those of you that don't know that tid bit about Kyle, he is a people watching PRO!!! 

I am sad to admit that this was only our 3rd time getting away for our anniversary and only the 2nd time since we have had kids. I know how important it is for a couple to stay "in tune" with one another, but I always feel so guilty leaving the kids behind.  He knew we needed to get away & planned the entire thing. With our move and just other stuff going on, my brain was mush. I needed a time out and we both needed a "recharge" weekend..... mentally it did us both so good.  

The kiddos had the best time staying with their grandparents. They stayed with Kyle's mom & step dad Friday night and my dad & step mom Saturday night. 

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

The elevators here were almost the death of us.... you had to wait and wait and wait. Each elevator section only had 1 working. Go figure. And because of Covid you were supposed to still maintain distance in them, etc. 
Saturday morning a good thunderstorm came through and woke me up.... so I went to the balcony and enjoyed the scenery and read a book while Kyle slept in. It had been a LONG time since he was able to sleep in..... that joker didn't get up until 10:30😁.
Once he got up we got ready and walked to the beach to reserve chairs. He is all about renting beach chairs for a day so that we (heπŸ˜‚) doesn't have to carry them. We did that and walked over to Pineapple Willie's to eat lunch. It is literally right next door and we have eaten there several times in the past and have always sat outside so we didn't think anything about the mask thing. Kyle HATES HATES HATES wearing a mask and almost refuses to. So I agreed with him this time to not take one down to the beach with us since it isn't required outside. 

Wouldn't you know it was REQUIRED. No mask.... no service. It was truly the first time I felt judged for not wearing a mask. The little girl at the check in table said we could go in to their store and buy one for $1/each or go get our own. I am stubborn and didn't want to spend $1 on a mask NOR did I want to walk back to the room and wait 20 minutes for the elevator ride to the room to get our masks. The girl said when we get our masks that we will be seated right away. Kyle of course being the positive one in our duo went and bought us masks. 

We walk back up to the girl with our masks on and SHE ACTS LIKE SHE HAD NEVER SEEN US BEFORE. We literally were there like 1 minute before hand AND I was standing like beside the check in counter waiting for him.  She said, "how many?? would you like inside, outside, or first available".... I couldn't help it..... I said, "We were JUST here"..... she didn't say anything else and they took us to be seated. We literally walked at the most 70 feet to a table. So we paid $2 to walk 70 feet and before we left a table of 6 came in WITHOUT A MASK. UGH! That was the only bad part of the whole weekend. Thankfully our food was good πŸ˜‚.

After we ate we chilled on the beach the rest of the day. It was SOOO relaxing. I wanted to stay on the beach until sunset and we did just that.

There were GOBS and GOBS of people there. You would have never guessed there was a thing called COVID in our country. Every now and then you would see someone hop on a jet ski that they rented with a mask on and Kyle would burst out laughing.  This person was ALONE..... on a jet ski..... in the ocean.... and still wore a mask. Kind of like when we are riding down the road and see someone riding in their car with a mask on. 

And did you know that skimpy swimsuit bottoms was a thing now?? Our eyes pure felt violated😜. And age didn't matter. Younger girls to older ladies..... thong bottoms or almost thongs were EVERYWHERE.  We even saw a guy running in just socks, no shoes..... saw a lady with her swimsuit on backwards.... how did we know?? Because the padding in her top was on her back.... when she turned around we noticed it was because she was well endowed and they wouldn't fit in the paddings πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚...... but not sure why she didn't just cut the paddings out??? 

Needless to say we were not bored. Not even a little bit. 

Plenty of laughter......

The day we left, we headed to one of our favorite breakfast spots.... Another Broken Egg..... 
..... there was a 45 min - 1 hr wait just for 2 people, so we decided to go a few miles down the road and try First Watch. It was DELICIOUS!!!!! Definitely a new found breakfast spot. 

I took pictures of our food to mostly show my Uncle 😁😁..... he loves food as much as I do. 

After breakfast we headed back home. The kids spent the day on the lake so we got them after church last night. I wish I had of video'd Karter running through the parking lot and jumping in my arms. I can't describe how good that made me feel. I missed them like crazy, but very much enjoyed my time with their Daddy. 

Here are some pictures from their weekend:

I loved this picture Yana sent of Sophie helping Grandmama up the hill.....

Since we aren't great at getting away without the kids, maybe we'll go on another anniversary trip when the kids graduate high school 😁. Just teasing! 


  1. Love this! Feels good to “recharge” and laugh with your love without someone asking for food or someone fighting in the next room.🀣

  2. Love this. I know you both needed it. Not only for a recharge but to help you remember to be thankful and enjoy the fighting, fussing, and attitudes back home. Im glad yall got to go.
