We have had a wonderful past couple of days. Tonight we went to Benton's and ate :)!! My sweet Daddy called and he was going to walk to our house, but since we were at Benton's he walked there. I'm glad he called.... we were going to go visit them when we got finished eating, but everyone in his house is sick.... so we for sure didn't want to be amongst that.
I am also so glad my Mommer is back in town :)! She's had to be out of town the past couple days for work. The kids and daycare are so used to her picking them up each day... *L*.... my sweet friend at KW even said something this afternoon about seeing me pick them up a lot lately.
Anywho..... I got my weekly visit from my beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed big baby girl yesterday at work. Of course she wanted to take some pictures :)!!
Today was dance day. We love Tuesdays. Our girls are making so many memories and each Tuesday is full of surprises and lots of giggles. Heidi reminds me so much of myself in these dance pictures. I remember being the "biggest" one in my group. Her hair is so much darker than theirs too. I didn't realize that until this picture. Wow.
I love this picture. I love it mostly because they didn't know I was taking it or going to take it or I'm sure they would've moved. They were sitting so close on the couch yesterday morning watching TV before school. Sweet huh? They can be :)!!! Maybe they do like each other.
Last night before bath the kiddos wanted to visit MeMe, BeBe, and Spot... so that we did :)!! Heidi's cousins have signed BeBe's cast so she had to sign her name and K and S' name.
Hopefully you all have had a great week. Remember to smile, tell someone you love them, always say "Bless You" when someone sneezes, and always give at least 3 compliments a day. You'll feel better if you do those things.
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