Tuesday, March 27, 2012


All of my posts lately have just been me me me..... what's been going on with ME. I haven't done a post lately on just things... life.... just general "stuff".

What does life mean to you? How do you see your life? Are you happy with it? Are you proud of your current life? Not your past.... we all have baggage... but currently are you living a life that is making yourself proud?

This one life that we live each and every day is our only chance. This is the only one we get. Why live it in misery? Why ruin it? Why not live your life to the fullest and be thankful for God blessing you with the chance to live? How many times a day do you complain? Just about anything.....

The weather? Be thankful that you are able to go outside and "feel" the weather.
Your shoes hurting your feet? Be thankful you can walk.
Being hungry and can't wait until lunch time?? Think of those that aren't blessed to be able to know they are going to get their next meal in X minutes.

There are so many things that people complain with each day. Working at a bank, I get to hear a lot..... and I don't understand it. Most of the time I tell them, "It could always be worse".... and that's the truth.

You know even when i was pregnant.... and with Karter I threw up almost every day until the day he was born and with Sophie my entire body ached like it had never ached with any other pregnancy, but I tried to not ever complain. I was thankful that God gave me the honor to be able to be pregnant and be able to carry this gift full term. I had no room to complain! I was just blessed to be able to feel what it was like to be pregnant.

Drugs??? Why ruin your life with drugs? Addictions are bad. I've never been addicted to drugs so I can't say first hand how it is or how to deal with it, but I do know life is too short to waste it away.

Your body is a temple of God. Treat it like one. Be proud and thankful of what God has given you. He has given you a chance to enjoy life. Tell people about Him and try your hardest to take as many people as you can to Heaven with you.

Don't live a life full of regrets and "should haves" and "what ifs".

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