Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Even Stay at Home Moms Have Bad Days....

So that video is exactly how my day on the job went yesterday.  


..... Just one of those days......

As a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom), I am busier than I ever was when I worked a full time job.  I just get to be busy now with the best little people ever.  Although they absolutely drive me completely crazy some days, I have never ever regretted staying home with them.  The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner. 

But.... let's face it..... everyone has a bad day.  Even at their "real" job.  
Some days are better than others.  
Some days the household runs very smoothly.  Somedays it doesn't.

I found this cute website of 11 Things Stay At Home Moms Are Tired of Hearing.  I thought they were all funny..... and true.... so I thought I would share....

(1) What do you do with all your free time?
HA! WHAT free time?  

(2) It must be nice not to have to work.
I am very thankful that my husband works hard and provides for our family so that I can stay home with our kids and be involved with their schools and other things.  I thank him ALL the time.

(3) When the kids get older do you think you'll get a real job?
There are people that get paid to clean houses, wash clothes, watch kids, feed kids, feed animals, iron clothes, cook meals, run errands, volunteer at the school, etc. I get paid with memories, hugs, and kisses.  I would say this is a real job.  

(4) Oh, so that's why your child is so clingy and needy.
This really isn't an issue for us.  They all love me and I love them, but other than prying Sophie off my leg for Sunday School and Discipleship Training, we really don't have this problem.  

(5) Do you have to ask your husband for money?
No I don't.  

(6) How does it feel to have wasted your degree?
I didn't even use my degree when I worked at the bank.  

(7) Weird.  I assumed your house would be super clean.
Ha!  I clean, they mess it up.  I am CONSTANTLY cleaning.  When I first started staying home I really did think my days would consist of happy thoughts, brownie making, everything clean and all the laundry constantly caught up.  HA!

(8) When do you plan to return to your career?
This is exactly what I want to do.  We prayed about it for a while before just "jumping the gun".  We both knew this was where God wanted me.

(9) I could never do what you do.  I would die without adult conversation.
This does get hard sometimes, not really so much conversation as it is interaction.  

(10)If you had a job you would understand.
Oh I had a job.  I do understand.  It was so much harder juggling a full time job, 3 kids, daycare, school activities, etc. all while Kyle was away for a month at a time with work.  

(11) Well since you don't work could you do w,x,y, and z for me today?
HAHA!! I'd be happy to.

Today is going to be a good day :)! 

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