Friday, February 28, 2014

S Object, Bye Daddy, Dentist, & Fun




Salt.... and the reaction of being cold when I opened the door haha!

Soccer Ball
 Tuesday after school we rode our bikes to see the "famous snakes".... for our small town.  The annual Rattlesnake Rodeo is just around the corner, so they bring the snakes out for all to see.  Since Heidi has learned to ride her bike, we are able to start back on our family bike rides.  Before she could ride, we would have to have a 3rd adult to go to ride a child on the back.  But now Kyle and I ride one of the babies and Heidi Leigh is a pro at riding all through town.

Sorry for the dirty mirror :/..... But it was my "love letter" from Kyle when he left.
 Goodbyes really are the hardest.... or see ya laters rather....

 He was my rock this hitch home, so I told him it was going to be much harder with him gone this go round.  He did manage to tell me I was his Hero..... and that I was like the Caramel in a Milk-Dud (haha).... the part that holds it all together.  Geez! What a helpless romantic! HA!

Cool Sophie
 I forgot to share these with you the other day....  Last Friday when Hank was home we gave the kiddos a fun "hay ride MINUS the hay" around the block.

 ...... and Tuesday night we grilled and had My Dad, Yana, and Grandmama over.  It really was just a peaceful, relaxing afternoon/evening.  The weather was "calming" so to speak.  So we sat outside for hours... just watching the kids play.

Soph playing yesterday morning while I got ready.

Such a handsome rascal... with a huge heart.
 We took Grandmama her medicine yesterday after pre-school and the babies had to play before we left :)!! 

Charlie (Tylers dog) got cut out of the picture, but they were "walking" him all through the yard.
 Yesterday afternoon I took the kiddos for their 6 month teeth cleaning.  They love the dentist, so I knew they would do great.

 Sophie & Karter were so sweet while Heidi got hers cleaned.

 When Karter went, Sophie started to get a little ancy. 

 As usual she talked Ms. Beverly's ears off.... and did you notice she had her boots on in the picture above, but convinced us there was something in them so she took them off in the second picture?
 Sophie had 2 sugar bugs (of course).... and she told Ms. Beverly, "I tried to brush that off".... LOL!  She also made her stop cleaning and said, "Come here Mommy... smell my breaf"... and then she convinced Ms. Beverly that she needed some water in a cup....
 .... and she got Kman to drink some too.... haha!
 When we left the dentist, we headed to get ice cream cones and then hung out at Babees and had supper. 

Babee has been missing her babies.  She still can't pick them up or carry them.... makes it hard for her to not do that.
..... haha and the one and only silly papa!!!  When we got home he facetimed us.  Kiddos love his silly self.
Gonna end you with a good quote..... have a great weekend.


  1. I love how Sophie tried to reason out. It's so cute! Looks like this isn’t their first visit, which makes it a lot easier for the grownups. They now know what's in store, and that it isn't really scary. It's really nice to see children who are cool with dentists and don't give hissy-fits. You gotta be proud for yourself on that one!
    Julie Romanelli @

  2. I was looking for articles on Dentist India and I came across yours inspiring read.
    Great post! Thanks!
