Thursday, July 29, 2010

First out to eat play date

Tuesday morning I had to take Sophie for her 1 month shot :( It just so happened that Valerie was take Presley over there to get her cast off. We decided we would meet for lunch and let the kids play. We had to go to Burger King because believe it or not but the new McD's doesn't have a playground.

I took this pic of Soph in the waiting room.... she was out!

I think people thought we were crazy taking all those youngens out. We took up 3 tables inside *L* and it was very loud at the playground due to Karter and Stella Kayte's exceptionally loud squeal. Of course we had our hands full leaving & one guy said "it looks like y'all need one more" Valerie told me.... i thought we looked like we had it under control *L* I said me too!

Heidi ended up leaving with them & going to the Dr office with them & then they came back here to play.

Sophie's poor boo boos :(

Heidi in the same outfit:
These girls had so much fun together.

For old times sake......

Presley took this one:

I walked to the bathroom to put something up and when I came back here's where I found my little climber:

Hanging out while I got the stroller out of the car....

Her first stroller ride

Heidi wanted to walk.. and she did mostly.... she said she needed the exercise for cheerleading *L*!

Sophie was give out after the walk *L*!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

She's 1 month old

It is so hard to believe that Sophie Lynne Colquett is already a month old. She has made our little family feel so complete.... it's hard to describe the happiness she has brought us. She has so much to learn :) Her brother and sister have A LOT to teach her.

Here's what all goes on in Sophie's world:

* She sleeps on her stomach
* She weighed 9 lbs 3 oz today at her 1 month shots
* She is drinking 3 oz at a time when she will drink it. Most of the time she will only drink 1.5 oz and go to sleep or just lose interest and then she'll finish the other 1.5 an hour or so later.
* She is extremely hard to burp
* The formula she is on is Similac Advance with 2 TBSP cereal
* She is in a size 1 diaper
* She is wearing newborn or 0-3 month clothes and has some 3 month clothes that will fit her.
* She loves to be held and cuddled
* She's not big on change. If she is resting or "settled" in someone's arms, she does not want to be moved.
* She can scream LOUD if she wants to
* She is not crazy about the bouncy seat
* She loves her car seat
* She loves to be talked to
* She is generally going to sleep anywhere from 8-9 and will wake up about 2ish to eat again and then usually close to 5 to eat again.
* Her hair is so cute and it is sticking up some like Heidi's did. I'm still thinking she will lose it and it will come back blonde.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Finally.... emotional breakdown

Oh how I love my newborn baby girl!

She will be one month old tomorrow and Kyle and I were talking this weekend at how hard it is to remember life without her. She's my little 1% miracle that I am so happy I have. Right now she completes us. Right now I feel our family is whole :)

Heidi has so much to teach Sophie! It'll be fun watching her do that.

Friday night Kyle grilled chicken... it was yummy and nice to cook at home. He doesn't grill much, but I'm thinking with 3 kids... and restaurant visits few and far between that he's going to have to start *hehe*!

Then Saturday morning Heidi went on her first "trip" without me :(! She was so very excited to go. She kept counting down the days and then the minutes until KyKy was there to get her. They left about 10 am and headed to the beach. Saturday they just hung out at the beach house and swam in the pool and then went to Panama City and walked around and ate. Then today they went to ShipWreck Island and she had the best time.

Here's a picture of her before KyKy came to get her.

My baby girl leaving me

You know I had to get a picture of every step she took :)

HAHA I told Sophie she couldn't go!~

Kyle joked Saturday evening that Karter was the only one that was glad Heidi was gone. He was in the most wonderful mood and played and played. He needs that time and attention sometimes :)

Taken this morning at church

I am sure that my title has sparked some curiosity. Well Kyle was on call this weekend. Of course he didn't get called out yesterday but it never fails he's going to get called out on Sunday. Well of course he did this morning! And today of all Sundays was homecoming at church... so I had to cook. I got up with Sophie pretty early and fed her and then she "helped" me get the corn in the oven. I was trying hard to get ready fast just in case he got called out. Well I just got finished blow drying my hair and he got the message. He had to go to Daleville! He hurried and dressed Karter for me and I hurried and dressed Sophie before he left. So that just left me to finish my makeup, get dressed, get the bags together, kids in the car, and corn out of the oven. I could do that! When Kyle left both kids started crying. I had them on my bed while I tried to find something to wear. I put one dress on, but it just wasn't working out, so I tried something else and so on.... I would pick up Karter and Sophie to get them happy and then try again. I finally just got overwhelmed with not being able to find anything to wear and both kids crying that I had a meltdown and cried too. Sometimes you either have to laugh or cry. I try to laugh at most, but this morning just wasn't one of those. SO I honestly just closed my eyes for a second and said to myself "Just calm down".... and I got my act together and off we went.

I missed Heidi SO much. She beat us home... and Jon Wesley, Leigh Ann, Shelly Kate, and Miley Grace were all "down the hill" so Heidi was down there when we got home from church tonight. She wasn't as excited to see me as I was her...but I think that's just the older she is getting kind of thing. We were down there a little while and then they all went and visited with Grandaddy Colquett for a little while and I stayed back with Sophie and got her ready for bed. After they got back Heidi was in a crabby mood and got in big time trouble with her daddy for back talking and not minding. I don't know what was into her. It seems like here lately anytime she spends the night with someone and comes home she is not in a good mood. She later blamed her meanness on not having a nap. Anyway... she's cuddled up next to me now :)

This is Ms Starla and Soph at church tonight.

Update on Karter.... still teething!!! He slept better last night... still not great, but much better. Thursday night was the worst night "sleeping" wise that I think we have EVER had. I honestly wish someone with twins had of started blogging from the very beginning... on. It seems like once we get one back asleep or almost asleep the other wakes up... or when I put one down the other is up. Karter here lately very seldom sleeps all night. So it makes for interesting nights that's for sure. I've never had twins, but I know this is pretty close to it.

I go to the doctor tomorrow!! Hard to believe it's been 4 weeks already. The time has flown by!

Friday, July 23, 2010

15 month check up

Sophie really enjoyed her bath Wednesday night.... not so much last night :)

Well Karter had his 15 month check up yesterday. On top of running fever from teething he got 2 shots :( Needless to say he was not a happy camper the rest of the afternoon. He would get in a better mood once the fever started wearing off... but other than that he was miserable.

He weighed 21 pounds. He is only in the 10th % on his weight on the growth chart and 50th % on his height. Dr E asked me if he was eating veggies well.... I of course started to laugh and I said "He doesn't eat anything well". He was amazed that he doesn't eat mashed potatoes, butter beans, mac n cheese, etc.... I told him that he'll usually eat some chicken and french fries and that's about it besides gold fish and cheese puffs. So he put him on vitamins to try to give him some sort of nourishment. I also got news while we were there that when I take Sophie on Tuesday for her 1 month check up they are going to have to prick her heal again because when they did that at her 2 week check up it didn't take :(

Amanda came over to watch Heidi and Sophie while I took Karter to the DR... and Danielle and her sweet girls came over to play while we were there. The girls had a wonderful time. Sorry about the photos. I guess there was a setting on them that wasn't just right so they are bright looking.

My sweet Sophie

Miley and Heidi

Katelyn and Heidi

Karter was NOT a happy camper! He was miserable. Heidi never did bad when she was teething, but he doesn't handle it very well. We had a TERRIBLE night last night with it. He ran fever most of the night and the only way he would calm down was when I would put orajel on his gums. He cried pretty much all night long... so I feel like a zombie. Kyle was up with Sophie and I had Karter.

My wonderful helper!

Karter fell asleep rocking with me and Sophie.

Nothing more peaceful looking than a baby sleeping

Last night when his fever wore off