Monday, October 7, 2013

A Beautiful Southern Tea Party

 When our cousin and friend, Natalie, messaged me about what I thought about us having a "little friends" tea party, I ooo'd and aahhh'd over how wonderful I thought the idea was.

 She wanted to incorporate "manners" into it and try to teach the girls proper etiquette when it comes to being at the table.  So much work went into it in just a short time, and I think she did a most fabulous job!! We had a WONDERFUL time and I think the girls did too haha!

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed the party.

The dress Heidi wore was actually one of my dresses that I wore in my aunt and uncles wedding.  She already had the white hat & I just added pearls, tulle, and flowers that my mom had.  Her shoes I picked up at the local good will for $1 and her gloves I ordered from eBay :)!

Kman really wanted to go with us (I think to check out all Heidi's friends haha).

 I expected it to be really amazing because Natalie always does a superb job making her ideas a reality, but it really was so much more than I could have imagined.

She did a Alice in Wonderland kind of theme.

I mean really.... how gorgeous?

Each of the girls got stop watches. 

They each got little homemade tea bags as well (the green and pink in the folded napkin) & the little fork was for their dolls.

Miss Merrill Ann Culverhouse taught the girls about manners.

Allie, Madelyn, & Heidi
 I missed videoing MA talking about her shoes, but the shoes she had on were actually Miss America's.  Miss America signed them and then her parents bought them.  I thought that was really neat.  MA is the reigning Alabama Teen Miss or something like that.  I tried to google it so I wouldn't tell you wrong, but I couldn't find it.
Hannah, Heidi, & Liz Ann

 Once it was time to fix their plates, us moms served and then the girls had to sit back down and wait for everyone to finish fixing their plates and sit back down before eating.

Nothing like a Southern Belle!

Beautiful Okiana!

They each had name cards and assigned seats :)!

Even their dolls had little manner books (little book under spoon).
 Most of you know our parties are always a hoot.  In the middle of the manners speech, Katie gets up with her hand over her mouth.  I thought for sure she was going to be sick, turns out one of her teeth fell out while eating.  HAHA! Wouldn't you know!
 They also had to write a thank you note to anyone they wanted.  My sweet Heidi wrote hers to me :)!

My friend, Valerie, captured this.... the Mom Paparazzi

 They made memories that will last a life time!

MeMe wanted to come check it out.  She loved the idea from the get go! She was looking at Heidi's pocket watch.

So what a wonderful tea party it was! 
We even went to eat that evening and Heidi was "teaching" Sophie manners and how to place her napkin in her lap :)!!


  1. Love the post! They all had such a good time! I'm so glad our girls will have such sweet memories!

    1. Me too :)!!! We have big shoes to fill with Ashlyn and Sophie ;)!

  2. Oh my WORD!! THIS is why I want to move down South! LOL
    I LOVE this!! And it was SO beautifully decorated!
    I declare, I was meant to be a Southern another life perhaps. :) MN just doesn't cut it. I need to come down to Alabama!
    Well done girls! It looks like everyone had a marvelous time :)

    1. HAHA Yes!!! One of the many benefits of living in the South! We even found out yesterday that a local magazine is wanting to feature it :)!!
