Thursday, May 9, 2013

Marilyn Monroe

Okay so I saw that on Facebook a while back and I thought WOW!  How true is that?  Now in Marilyn's really young years, she looked like most of us looked at 16-20.  Or should I say pre-baby.  I mean of course at the time there probably wasn't many of us that were happy with our bodies.  I am saying "us" and "our" because I am pretty sure most women think the same.  We all want the "ideal" figure where nothing jiggles and everything is tucked and "pretty".  But I mean who defines what that is?  Ya know?

I am the World's worst about complaining about my body.  Granted, I try really hard not to ever say anything in front of Heidi.  I do NOT want her to get a complex about herself.  If we could all view ourselves the way we view our children.  She is absolutely perfect and beautiful :)!!   When I read that about Marilyn I immediately was like.... hmmmmm.... hit every nail on the head.  I have had 3 kids and 2 of them were back to back so my body had no time to breathe.  The kids sucked the life out of my boobs.  They have always been small, but now they just sag.  My stomach jiggles with every move.  My thighs touch and jiggle.  When I wave my arms just about knock ya down with their jiggle.  BUT..... with all of that being said, look at what I got in return.  Three beautiful and healthy kids.  I am willing everyday to sacrifice my body for that blessing.  It is just hard to be "okay" with not being able to bounce back into shape or gosh even having the time to try to get back into shape. 

We as women would be so  much happier with life if we weren't so hard on our self.  Children or no children.  Unless you are a super model, famous, or just flat out have the time and energy to go to the gym everyday to spend hours getting into shape, then we need to try to be happy with ourselves.  Easier said than done I know!

I mean look at Marilyn.....

Isn't that the look of most women?  Plus let's be honest.  We are more worried about our bodies in the eyes of others.  Right? 

Anyway.  We are beautiful.  We are mothers (or don't have to be).  We are God's creation. 

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