Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Level of Fear

 Y'all my fear level was seriously tested yesterday.  Words cannot even explain the anxiety I get when I see a rather large spider.  I wanted to do a blog on my precious Heidi's field day, on our pinterest night, the splash park, etc.  BUT all I can think about is this spider that to me was the size of my bedroom.

Yesterday afternoon I was vacuuming.  Now when I vacuum, I get like down with the hose everytime.  I just feel like I can get it so much better.  So I had already done the kitchen and dining room and had moved on to my bedroom.  I was going to town.  Had already done the hall to my room, and some of my room when I noticed a few giblets under my craft table that I needed to get.  SO... as usual, I got down and was getting those under the table.  (I can spot a spider a mile away).  Out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving.  It was on one of Heidi's Hello Kitty bags that was there and I guess blended in.

It was HUGE.  I mean HUUUGGGEEE!!! Like the size of my palm when crawling.  I completely freaked out.  My fear level for these creatures is way off the charts.  I literally panicked.  I had no idea what I was going to do and knew I didn't have time to go get spray.  I cannot step on them when they are big enough to splatter.  And this monster I had to keep my eye on.  SO I did what any other woman with a vacuum hose would do.  I sucked that thing up.  I sucked it up, slammed the hose back on and took off running.  My entire body felt numb and nervous.  It was AWFUL!  Heidi & Sophie came running.  Immediately Heidi started laughing.

I finally got brave enough to come back to my room and make sure the spider was still in the vacuum.  Indeed it was.  Curled up staring at me.

 Of course I had to take picures to show Kyle the monsters that we have finding a way into our home.  Right as I sat down in my room staring at the vacuum making sure the monster didn't crawl back through some escape I was not aware of, my mom called.  My fear of spiders stems from her.  Like she said, we need therapy.  And that is the truth.  I couldn't move.  I was completely frozen.  I sat staring at this thing and it staring at me until Amanda (Thank GOD for best friends) got there to kill it.  HAHA My sweet other best friend, Kayla, was on her way too but Amanda beat her to it.

I was frozen solid just like this until someone got there to rescue me.
I honestly felt like it was as big as my room.  Like coming through my walls after me.  I have issues. I am aware!  I had to take a picture to show Kyle the size of this thing and in OUR ROOM of all places.  OUR ROOM!  I was so afraid I wouldn't sleep last night, so after our devotion we always have prayer time and Heidi told me to pray that God wouldn't let me have bad dreams.  So I prayed that very thing and so did she :)!!

When Amanda got here, I made her PROMISE to not joke with me and act like she was throwing it on me.  I was so paranoid.  I felt like there were spiders EVERYWHERE and everything that touched me was a spider.

She got it outside and was going to just put it on the sidewalk and step on it.  I was like nooo so then she moved to the grass by the sidewalk and I was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? haha So she ran behind the building to murder this thing.  The whole time it was just moving in the vacuum thing.  So I knew then that it was alive and watching me as I watched it. 

I finally got calmed down and Kayla and B got here.  We then headed to church and I was all good right?? Just gonna let me and H do a walk through of the room to make sure there were no more. 

Well we had a gazillion swimsuits that needed washing, so I was going to wash them really quick and lay them out to dry over night.  When I opened the laundry room door (I HATE HAVING A LAUNDRY ROOM OUTSIDE..... HATE), 2 huge roaches scattered.  I keep Raid in the laundry room, so I grabbed it and sprayed the one that went outside.  The other one I knew went right in the swimsuits.  I was a nervous wreck.  So I sprayed where I could and then put the swimsuits in 1 at a time.  Shaking them as I did.  Well nothing came off, so I thought it must have got away.  WRONG!!

All of a sudden it is crawling on the swimsuits in the washer.  GREAT!!!!!!  So I turn the washing machine off because who wants a roach washed with their clothes??? The kids heard me screaming and came to the rescue.  I love my brave Heidi girl.  She was helping me anyway she could and of course telling me how "cray cray" I am the entire time. 

I have the spray still aimed in the washer and her brave self lifted the swimsuits that were above the water.  FOUND IT!!!  I sprayed the mess out of it.  It died rather quick.  So now how was I going to get it OUT of the washing machine???  I learned not to grabbed them with paper towels.  Sometimes they aren't fully dead and latch on and start moving and my nerves just could NOT handle that after the day with bugs I had.  SOO I had an idea.  I knew I had some really long tongs inside so I could grab the bundle of swimsuits and quickly toss them out the door.  I was still so nervous to do that. 

My brave 7 year old moved as many swimsuits as she could around so that I could be sure to get "the ones" and not move the roach to where it fell in the water.  SUCCESS!!  Everyone got out of aim and I tossed those bad boys out.  Shook the roach off.  Tossed the swimsuits back in the washer and we ran inside and locked the doors LOL!  I then shook everything I touched to make sure nothing moved.  I looked under everything.  I got raid and sprayed all in my room until the entire can ran out.  I checked under all the covers, creases, pillows, EVERYWHERE!! 

Thank the good Lord above that everyone slept.  I dreamed ALL night long and I think that was His way of answering my prayer because keeping my mind busy, I didn't think about spiders or roaches.  When I say dreamed all night, like I dreamed WEIRD stuff.  One of them was a bunch of familiar faces and I were at some spa and we put our feet in the water & let those fish eat our heels and stuff to give us a pedicure.  No way on Gods green Earth would I do that in real life.

Anyway.... new day.  New day.  New day.  That's all I keep saying over and over and over.  My nerves need a break or either I need to be on nerve medicine.  HA!

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