Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Emotional to Say the Least.... 1st Day of Preschool

 Not even gonna lie.  This morning was so much harder than taking Heidi to Kindergarten.  Now I cried when we took her the first day, but this morning was like an uncontrollable water works.  I did really good until we started leaving.  That's when it hit me.  

My days at home with him are DONE! Like his school days have officially begun.  I know it is only 4 hours a day, but that is 4 hours a day that I am used to having him here.  Plus I think it has something to do with the whole Middle Child thing.  Like I feel like my time with him was shortened.  He went from being born to starting preschool.  I was so not prepared for my emotions.

He was SOOO excited.  He has been looking forward to this day for MONTHS!  He got up this morning and got dressed with his Daddy while I cooked 1 of his favorite things for breakfast.... eggs.  Before we knew it, it was picture time & time to scoot. 
Not sure why he wants to be a Cat when he grows up, but that was today's pick.

 Heidi said, "Karter don't you want to be a Fireman? Ninja? Police Man?".... all answered with, "No....... just a cat".  (I assure you that we do not believe that when we die we will be re-incarnated into an animal hehe).

Had to get one of Heidi Bug while we were in the school line.

 Can you not just feel his excitement??

A picture with his supplies.  His school box was hidden.

 He really did great.  He didn't cry.  He was a little caught off guard when we first walked in by the # of kids in there & the noise.  Plus he had been looking forward to seeing his friend, Kade, and he hadn't made it yet... so that made it harder for him.

Sweet Ms. Becky was coercing him off my leg by talking about Kyle when she taught him.

This is a little sad, right???
 Ms. Becky was wonderful!  She held his hand and kind of introduced him and let him be her "helper" so to speak to get him "okay" with it.

 I am sure he is having a blast.  I can hardly wait to hear what all he says about it.  When we left there we went to my dad & Yana's house to get Sophie Girl.  

I was already an emotional wreck and was blabbing to Kyro about how hard it was and what a dork I was... yada yada.  He was like... "No babe... you're just a mom".  Well I almost had my composure back together before we pulled up and I said, "They just won't stop".  I was referring to the tears, but he said, "What...... they won't stop growing???"..... ohhhhhhhhhh I lost it again.... I was like, "noooooo the tears...... wwwhhhyyyy did yyyooouuu have to sssaaayyyy tthhaatttt?" LOL!  Of course when he said that they opened BACK up! We sat in their drive way for about 2 minutes before I could get out to go in (hence the picture that he so kindly took unbeknownst to me &  put on Instagram/FB of my wiping tears).

I finally saw Sophie standing on their porch and got out to go grab her up and hug her.  Well the little stinker turn and ran inside.  Absolutely did NOT help matters.  Kyle's like, "Toyia..... come on... that's just Sophie.... that's how she does".... ! He was so right, so I put my brave face on and went in and started showing her the pictures.

Got some pictures of her crazy end too....

Now down to 1 not in school.  I'm not sure how she nor I will manage each day (just kidding).  We will be chomping at the bits when it is time to get Kman and Heidi Bug.  

Every good and perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17

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