Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kids Say the Truest Most Innocent Things.....

I haven't done a blog lately about what all the kids say.  I like to do these periodically because I know one day looking back I will enjoy reading about them. 

- This morning Karter woke up very whiny.  Now my kids know... if they get hurt and cry I will swoop them up and love them in a minute.  But whining drives me absolutely CRAZY!  I cannot stand them to sit there and whine.  Karter was whining over several different things most of the morning.  In the school line I was telling he and Sophie how I really wish they wouldn't whine and that they would just mind me.  Well he quickly told me, "Today I'm just not happy"!  Wow!  So of course I'm like... what aren't you happy about? He never would say .. but I guess in a 4 year old mind there really is no telling.

Heidi did give Sophie a pep talk in the bathroom.  I didn't know it until we were leaving and she said, "Sophie remember what we talked about".... so in the car I asked her what they talked about and she said, "I just told her to be nice to Mommy".  How sweet?  Heidi truly is precious.

- Last night Heidi went to dance with a friend and since she was doing that, I carried supper to some friends that live in that area.  Mom rode with us and we ate supper at Mellow Mushroom.  Well on the way home, Sophie asked if she could stay with Babee.  I told her I didn't know, but would think about it but for her to stop asking me.  She did good! She didn't ask for about 5 more minutes... which in Sophie's world is a long time.  I told her I was still thinking and she quickly responded, "Thinking's taking a long time".  HAHA I think what made it so funny to me and Mom is the fact that she is 3!!! 

- One day last week we were in Heidi's room getting ready for school.  Sophie came in there BUTT naked!  I told her to get her clothes back on.... and she started giggling and said, "I tee tee'd in my room"... I began panicking, threatening, and sweating.  She is steadily laughing.  After watching me panic for a good minute or two, she finally said, "I just kidding".

- You all know how awful Love Bug season is!  One day in the school line while we waited to get Heidi, Karter apparently was steadily watching them swarm.  He then said, "Momma.... those love bugs sure are having a good time". 

- Kyle worked a lot while he was home for other people, and one of the times he was leaving, he told me and Sophie... "Bye girls".... without skipping a beat Sophie said, "Bye Boy"! We cracked up!

- The babies tell me everyday how mean I am.  I am told "You're mean" or "You're not my best friend anymore" at least 10 times a day. It's really ridiculous.  Like last week during prayer time Karter even asked for "his Mommy to not be mean anymore".... now that'll break a Momma's heart.  Anyway, one day several weeks ago he did randomly say, "Momma..... you're the BEST babysitter EVER"!!! HaHa!!! Why thank you Karter Man....

*****BTW: I jot all these down so I won't forget... then when they build up I blog about them*****

- A few months ago, I put on a button up shirt for church when I walked out of our room, Karter said, "Mommy you wearin' Daddy's shirt?" We just laughed and I decided I needed to un- button it rather than button some lol!

- There was a lady with an Oxygen tank in the grocery store one morning when we went to get breakfast. Sophie has NO filter... and quickly asked the lady what it was.  So she and the lady carried on a conversation about it for several minutes.  I was humiliated, but was thankful the lady saw her innocence in asking and explained it to her.

- Just yesterday when we went to the store a lady walked by with sunglasses on.  Sophie told her, "The sun's not in here".... the lady started laughing (Still not removing her glasses) & I apologized and told her she didn't have a filter.  She just kept laughing.

- Every night while rocking, the way I know Sophie is about to be OUT like a light is she'll roll and look at me and say, "Goodnight Mom"... not "Mommy" not "Momma", but "Mom" and then she rolls back over and falls right to sleep.

- HAHA I don't even remember what was going on, but before Heidi's 7th birthday we were talking about something and she said, "I'm like 6 years old Mom".  WOW!!! 

- Haha Kman and Soph were playing outside and something happened and karter said, "ahhhhh man" and Sophie said, "I not a man.... I Soapie".

-  Heidi asked me "how do you get pregnant?"
Lol After the look of horror on my face and trying real hard to think of something brilliant in 3 seconds I said, "well just when God decides it is time for you to have a child"..... Whew! She was okay with that response.

~~~~ I really do not understand people that are not interested in having kids.  They light up my entire world.  They drive me absolutely BONKERS a lot of days, but then they randomly wrap their arms around you and tell you that "You're the best babysitter ever".  My house cannon stay clean, I am constantly breaking up fights, but I know my life would be completely boring without them in it.  

"Every good and perfect gift is from above" James 1:17

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