Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quit My Job???

So yesterday was one of those poor pitiful me type of mornings.  I was so down and out because Karter and Sophie are CONSTANTLY telling me how mean I am.  No lie yesterday morning Sophie kept closing her eyes and praying, " Dear God thank you for not letting my Mommy be mean to me".  I'm like Sophie.... you gonna make me cry.  She finally said, "What you want me to say"... haha! I said, "Thank you Jesus for my sweet Mommy"..... RRRIIIGGGHHHTTT???

Well that lasted one go round and then she saw how it was "getting to me", so she kept saying her original.  

I think I was just tired and emotional and maybe PMSing???  But I mean gosh!! I want to scream..... I QUIT MY JOB TO STAY HOME WITH  YOU...... But I know that would certainly be rather Devilish.

Of course my cry baby self finally started crying.  I think it is more of the fact that Heidi never ever ever ever ever said or says anything like that.  And those two tell me all the time.  So slightly confusing I guess?  I talked to Kyle and told him I guess I needed to find me a job to keep my sanity and he was like.... "Baby, you are an excellent mom.... they are 3 & 4 and really have no idea the meaning of what they are saying.  Or the impact.  I would much rather you be at home with them every day than them go to daycare and us regret it".  He is such an optimist :)! {THANKFULLY}

Maybe all of that mixed with the fact that I have hardly any one on one adult interaction adds to the emotions.  So I had my "just me" melt down.... later laid down with Sophie for her nap... and after laying snuggled with her for 45 minutes, I got up and felt like a new mom. 

Being a Mom is hard. 

When we picked Hank and Heidi up from school, I gave them both big hugs and just told them I needed a hug today :)!! 

AND to top it all off.... wouldn't you know last night Brother Garry had a video for us to watch about Birth Order.  It was absolutely what I needed.  Made me laugh a lot just thinking about my 3 kiddos and how it made perfect sense.  Just a brief summary of what we talked about:

First Born:
~ Groomed for success
From the time your first child is born, we are overly protected.  Can't eat dirt, wash the paci everytime it drops, no table foods, mostly go by the books.  When you add another child to the mix, the older the first gets, they hear, "You're the oldest.... they look up to you".  I know I am guilty of telling Heidi that she sets the example.  

- The guy on the video gave us several references like most Presidents are 1st born.  It is just natural for 1st borns to be successful.  Majority of CEOs are 1st borns.  They take charge.  Heidi is such a take charge, little Mama so to speak.  She is a HUGE helper for me.  

He also used another funny example about car buying.  What does a 1st born child do when in need of a new vehicle? Lots of research first!! The baby in the bunch is like.... "yea I want that right there in this color.... like today".  HAHA! Soooo Sophie!

Middle Child
~ Negotiator by trade.
~ Often rebellious.  They feel as though they can't do as good as their older sibling and yet doesn't get as much attention as the younger one.
WOW!! And I have talked on here at how I struggle with that with Karter.  How I feel like I had to push him to the side when he was a baby because this new baby came in the picture.
~ Did you know that Middle children are generally Entrepreneurs?  Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and many more are examples.  Middle children seem to learn how to work the system the best.

~ Generally outgoing, never meet a stranger, class clowns, etc.  Jay Leno & Joan Rivers are some examples.  He was talking faster than I could write HAHA!

But this is so Sophie!  She longs for attention.  Most definitely outgoing and never meets a stranger and funny as all get out.  

So by her constantly praying her "little prayer", in her eyes she knows that it bothers me.... so she is doing it.  But to me it was making me feel like the WORST mom ever after hearing it for the 3,293,748 time!  

***He did make several good suggestions:
(1)  He said empower the middle child and ask them what they want to do rather than always let the oldest or baby decide.  I am guilty of doing just "whatever" to stop whomever from whining.  Know what I mean? 
(2) Treat each child different.  They are different.  
(3) Lighten up on the 1st born.  So many times I am like .... "Heidi will you do this.... Heidi will you do that".  Mostly because I know she is reliable.  He said make the other two (or other children even if you have more) do stuff.  
(4) Hold the little one accountable.  Don't just baby them all the time.  This is hard for a lot of us moms.... I think mostly because "this one is the caboose" type of mind set.  So we (I) tend to let them get away with more than the other two.  

Needless to say, my mind set today is much different than it was yesterday.  This morning has been a MUCH better start to the day than yesterday.  I just pray that I can be the best mom I can be and that I can be the Christian influence my children need.  I want them to grow up and succeed in the World, but I also want them to know I will always be by their side.  

I will not quit my job :)!!! It is the greatest and HARDEST job on the planet I do believe.  Just like with any other job, I am gonna have good days and bad days. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17

1 comment:

  1. Motherhood definitely is the hardest and most rewarding jobs there is!! I know exactly how you feel. Thanks for sharing!
