Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wreck Witness

So I experienced something yesterday afternoon that I have never experienced before.... I was a witness to a 3 vehicle accident. I had just left work and was sitting at the red light at Subway to turn left to go get the kids. Well our auditors had pulled out right behind me and were headed to their hotel. The light had turned yellow..... and there was a truck coming, so I was waiting for the next green light.

Well I could see the entire wreck unfold and there was nothing I could do about it. Our auditors were coming on the right side of me.... like going straight... the truck was coming from town... and was going to turn left down West Stewart. Well ends up the truck had 2 boys in the back (bed) of the truck..... the truck turned..... the auditors hit them..... the truck then hit the car that was just sitting at the red light waiting for it to turn green. I was so afraid the boys were going to fly out of the back.... the impact was HARD! Both were trying to beat the yellow light so they weren't going slow.

I really didn't know what to do.... I knew I couldn't and didn't want to "flee" the scene.... I mean I knew who was in it.... I had just left from working with them all day. So after catching my breath .... I pulled up in front of the auditors car and just put my emergency lights on. In the mean time I had tried calling 911.... guess what... it rang and rang and rang and no one answered. So when I stepped out, a cop had pulled up.... then it all began.... sirens galore.... people.... officers.... firemen... it was a little chaotic. I knew right then I would be there for a while so I called my mom to see if she could get the kids for me. I was getting phone calls and texts from people making sure it wasn't me. THANK YOU for checking on me.

The lady driving the truck was in hysterics... and kept saying "My sister is going to kill me".... I'm not sure if that is because of the kids in the back or if that was her sisters truck or what. So anyway I went over to check on one of our auditors because he was hurt.... not sure if his head hit the windshield or if he braced himself and his hand hit it.... he couldn't remember and the windshield was cracked. His eyes were really glassy and his head was red and looked a little puffy to me. I then looked over at the truck and one of the little boys had his arm on his stomach and was hunched over. I kept saying, "He's hurt.... something's not right with him.... he's hurt". I went over to him trying to figure out what was hurting and he wouldn't talk to me. I kept asking him questions... "Is it your ribs?" "Is it your stomach?" expecting at least a head nod... but nothing. So then I said "Can you talk"? I wasn't meaning it to be smart... I really didn't know if maybe it took the breath out of him.... or if he was in so much pain that he couldn't talk... and he said "Yes I can talk", but he still wouldn't tell me what was wrong.

I was just back and forth. I of course had to give my statement because I seemed to have been the only "true" witness. And quite frankly I don't care to witness anything like that again. I was so afraid for those children... and look I am guilty of it... when the light is yellow, we all want to beat it. You got to look all around you before you do though. Technically the auditors had the right away since they were going straight.... the truck should have waited for them to go by and then she could turn. Impatience could have gotten anyone of them killed.

I do not know the extent to the little boys injuries. Our auditor with the head injury went on to the hospital to get checked out and he was okay. They wanted him to wear a neck brace, but he wouldn't. Thankfully Joanna saw me pull over, so she stopped too. The auditors were here on one of the guys cars.... so anyway they had no way of going this way or that.... Joanna took the uninjured one to the hotel then the other one called her when he got finished at the hospital and she got him and took him to Burger King (haha) and then the hotel and she is picking them up this morning for work. I just couldn't imagine being here... in an accident... and all alone. Both guys are around our age. Oh and *haha* they are the auditors that we like! If it were the other "Dragon Lady" I might not would have stopped.... NO NO NO I am only Kidding! You know I would have done the right thing.

So needless to say I was all shook up for a while and I just keep seeing the whole thing happening over and over again in my head. Them coming in my rear view mirror... the truck in front..... then the impact. Oh and the lady in the car sitting at the red light was okay. Her car was pretty messed up, but she was at least able to drive it.

Thankfully at lunch yesterday I had prepared supper all the way to the point of just needing to cook it. I had the meatloaf all prepared and ready to stick in the oven, the potatoes peeled and cut up for homemade mashed potatoes, I even did a load of laundry, washed the dishes in the sink, unloaded the dishwasher, re-loaded it, etc. before time to head back to work. I ended up making meatloaf, potatoes, broccoli and cheese, and peas. It was really good... and Kyle of course only ate potatoes and peas.

Maybe today will be less eventful!!

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