Well.... My Sophie Girl turned 2 today. My these two years have really gone by faster than I thought.
This baby girl has brought so much laughter, love, joy, and utter chaos into our lives. She will make you laugh almost every second that you are with her. As crazy and in all honesty.... chaotic.... our lives have been since she joined our family, I cannot imagine her not being part of our lives. She is definitely what made The Colquett 5 whole..... after all.... The Colquett 4 just doesn't sound right :)!!!
There are lots of little videos with this blog. I do apologized for their sideways-ness. I recorded them on my phone and I forget to turn it sideways when I'm recording :)!!
Heidi was soooo excited this morning to give Sophie her gift :)!!! As you can tell.... Sophie LOVED it!
Her friend, Emmie Kate, made her a beautiful card for her birthday :)!! Soph was soooo proud of it, but for a litlte while she was fussing with me telling me her Daddy gave it to her *L*! And she wouldn't open it.... she finally opened it and was okay with the fact that it was indeed from EK and not Daddy :)!!
I did this on a cool new app I downloaded... insta frame.... something like that anyway. Think I might like it :)!!
This afternoon I took her to the DR for her 24 month check up. She has gotten to where she HATES to go to the DR. She does okay until they call her name *L*!! Then she starts to panic and does not want to get weighed or anything!!!!There were some older girls and a little boy in the waiting room with us...... and the "Colquett" in her couldn't help but stare at her :)!!
She actually got sweet in the waiting room :)!!! She kept kissing her sweet Momma *L*!!
So this is a small glimpse of what goes on when we go to the dr....
And right after of course she's happy as can be.
She still isn't on the chart for weight. BUT she is still steadily rising and going along the "scale" just as she has been, so he isn't concerned. Just a petite little tiny :)!!!
After the DR appointment we ran by WalMart to pick her stuff for tonight. I got the icecream cake from WM and let me tell you.... it was soooo yummy.
Once we got home, we popped the lasagna in the oven and shortly after our sweet families arrived.
The video of us singing to Sophie was too long :( So it cut it short to put on here, so it's cut the end off. I am sorry.
And she and Kman both were loving her new Big Wheels from Papa and Nana.
She even let her brother have a turn :)!!
She not only enjoyed her piece of cake.... but others too *L*!
Right before bath, she decided she needed some cheese. She and Karter love to eat shredded cheese. Anyway, she would take the cheese and sprinkle it in the tea and then drink it and sorta spit some out.
She is something else :)!!
She is very much that special gift frtom God that I used to stay confused about, but now I am finally understanding the purpose of surprising us with children so close together.
What's going on in this girls 2 year old Life:
* She talks NON STOP and speaks VERY well... can just about carry on a conversation with anyone.
* She wears a size 3 diaper, but is VERY close to being completely potty trained. Pull Ups fall off her.
* She is still mean as a snake. She just doesn't means things and sometimes it's like she doesn't even have a conscious.
* She also has a very sweet side. As long as she is getting her back rubbed then she s happy. And trust me, when Sophie is happy.... EVERYONE is happy :)!
* Loves to drink milk
* Loves fruit
* Wears a 12 month - a 18 month in shorts/pants
* She loves to read
*She weighs 21.9 lbs
* She is all about shoes
*Loves to swim
* HATES to brush her teeth
*Still gets up usually at least once a night. It's rare for her to sleep all night.
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