Tuesday, June 7, 2011

$98 in gas & $70 Co-Pay

I took my sweet babies to see Dr E this morning (Amanda rode with me)! Before we went I had to get gas... as you know :) and it was $98 and then I took two kiddos so the copay was SEVENTY SMACKAROOS!!! He gave them both medicine to clear up the snotty mess. He also gave me some drops for Sophie’s ear. It’s been draining really bad starting yesterday. She has a middle ear infection. He asked me about her in the water and I told him that we did go swimming Sunday and she did submerge her head in it a time or two… (more than that I am sure)…. So I have to clean it really well with a cotton BALL and then do the drops. Dr McQueen told me to not let her go diving for sea shells and I think Little Tiny went diving!!

Karter weighed 24 lbs and Sophie still only weighed 15.11…. I think she had gained 5 oz from her last visit. So he was asking me again what all she ate… and he is still 100% sure she is just going to be petite and thank me when she’s 30! We’re pretty sure she won’t be on the charts again at her 1 year check up, but in her case that is okay and just how she is going to be!!!!

I did ask him about Karter's sleeping habits. He said on a scale of 1-10 his tonsils were a 4... so he didn't think that was a cause of him not sleeping. He said the only thing he could come up with (other than just being plain out spoiled) was he does sleep with his mouth open, so his mouth is drying out (&he possibly needs his adenoids taken out, but he can't see his adenoids) and he needs something to drink. Which that makes sense. I started laughing and I said in other words.... he's just not going to sleep??? And he just smiled!!!

Whew I felt AWFUL before VBS. I was extremely nauseous all afternoon... and actually got sick when we got the kids from Kids World, but then I felt better. I honestly think it was because my mouth was hurting pretty bad today (I'm not much of a complainer.... but hey this is my blog right???) and I kept taking Tylenol... and then my head hurt REALLY bad from it and I think it just hurt so bad that it caused me to be nauseous and get sick.

I decided to give Miss Soph a bath in the nursery tonight!! she LOVED it!!

We actually had 7 babies tonight that were all needy at times. That's the way I like it!! I love to stay busy the entire time. Sophie does pretty good as long as I'm not holding someone else too much *L*! I took the picture of Sophie's head just to show how much her hair has grown. Amazing huh?

Anyway.... Karter and Heidi wanted to stay with my dad tonight. I miss them so much already. We have to stay up each night after VBS to wash our shirts :)!! Anyway.... I guess I am blogging more than I thought I would this week. Maybe it's an addiction *L*?

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