Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm Sorry!

I usually do not do a blog post twice in one day.... but here goes... because this will be my last one for a while.

Okay I owe a huge apology to Kids World workers. I did not realize the impact and "translation" my last post would get. Everyone at Kids World is wonderful and I appreciate them more than anything. My word you all are the ones that raise my kids. You are doing what I want to do day in and out. You are teaching my children things I am supposed to be teaching them. I am a very emotional person and I take everything personal. Always have.... always will. So yes I am crying while writing this. I never meant to make any one at Kids World mad, upset, or angry. I never meant to make the workers think that I "talk" about them or dislike Kids World. My kids love it there. I'm sorry Pam, Lori, Anita, Robin, Jennifer, Hayley, Kim and Angie for the way the paragraph in my last blog was taken. I did not mean it cruel or rude or mean in any way shape or form. Thanks for all you do. I never knew I was going to become the mom that you all dreaded seeing every day.

Once again, I am sorry!

** Apparently more people read into my post than I think. So I think it is best that I just not blog for a while... maybe for good... I don't know.


  1. Girlfriend! Don't stop blogging because you stepped on someone's toes! Blogging is for YOU and you only, sure people snoop in to your life and read along, but don't dare stop blogging because someone mis-interpreted your blog! You write what you want to write! That's why we live in a free country!

  2. I agree! Sometimes it's hard to convey a tone of voice in a blog, but those that know you well should know how you meant it--and that was with no ill-will whatsoever (even from someone who doesn't know you that well! LOL) Don't stop blogging though. I'm learning a lot from you and the way you juggle such a busy life!
