Okay I thought I would share this song with you. Feel free to play it while you read this. Everytime I hear this song I text or email my dad. We used to always hear it and sing it. It has a lot of meaning. Take time to be with your children. Take time to be with your parents, your family, your friends. Take time to love someone. Before you know it life has gone by and what's left of it? What do you have left? Do you still have friends? Family?
Just remember.... us parents chose to be parents :)!! Spending time with my children is what I look forward to everyday. I don't want them to grow up and wonder where I was their entire life. I don't want them to not have any childhood memories. SOOOO Love life, live life, and enjoy life!
Enjoy the pictures of us tonight :) :
OOpsie..... this first one is actually of Heidi last night..... sooooo pretty!! Playing dress up again :)!
I'm addicted to bike riding. I would absolutely do it everyday if I could and if I could figure out how to ride all 3 kids at once :)! We have a great time riding... and of course it's good exercise.
Tyler picked the kids up from school and went to my dad and Yana's house. When I got off I got Sophie from My dad and Yana's house and she and I went to the grocery store. Once we got the groceries unloaded, Sophie, Kyle, and I rode the bikes to their house and ate supper. It was yummy! The kiddos enjoyed a little dip in the pool.... this picture cut Karter out on purpose :).... they were all skinny dipping *L*!! As my Dad and Tyler said... it seems to be the nudist colony around my children. They love to go without clothes.... and especially love to go skinny dipping *haha*!
So after supper we headed back to our house. My dad and Tyler rode back with us.... so that was really nice. Most of you know where my dad lives. Anyway to come back to our house we go around by the Middle School, the stadium, across Main Street and Gunter Avenue... and then make it to my house. So I guess it's the "long" way, but we really enjoy it.
My little partner gave it up! Bless her :)!! She had her a good little nap.... BUT she had to wake up to get a bath ;)!
Now all of the kids are asleep.... I rocked Kman to sleep and he's now in his bed. Kyle and Soph are still in the recliner :) And Heidi bug is snuggled up beside me on the couch. It's the simple thing in life that matter the most. That's the purpose of this post. To tell you to let loose sometimes..... enjoy the small things. It has taken me a while to realize how important those moments are. I wanted to grow up too fast. And now I see how my parents must have felt. I want my children to stay little as long as possible.
Spend time with your kids!!!
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