Karter Man is doing great at potty training. He tee tee'd in the potty all evening tonight. He even wore undies to my dads to feed the pups and back here... so a total of about 1 1/2 hours without messing them up. So proud of him! It's so different training him than it was Heidi.
Kyle sent me these pictures of Karter Friday while we were at dads. He said Karter said, "Night Night Daddy" and crawled in the recliner and crashed.
Karter and Heidi spent most of Saturday at my dad and Yana's house hanging out. They left to go on a Mission Trip to Kentucky yesterday, so we wanted to spend time with them before they left.
While the kids were there, it gave me some time to do some much needed cleaning. My house needs a REALLY good scrubbing. I keep it "straight" and "clean" most of the time, but sometimes you just need a good ole fashion cleaning... like the base boards haven't been cleaned in a while.... I think it's about time for that :)!
Anyway.... Saturday evening our friends Whitney, Jonathan, and their precious little girl Emmie Kate came over and we grilled chicken. The food wasn't that great. Not sure what happened *L*! But the chicken didn't marinate as well as it did before. But I know one thing.... the dessert was fantabulous :)!!! Banana Pudding and Strawberry Cake.
Here are some pictures of Soph and EK: (They are right at 4 months and like a week apart. Sophie is the end of June and EK is the first of Nov)
Emmie Kate was all about the passenger seat and the radio :)!
After church Sunday, we came home.... got on our swim gear.... got the left over food... and off to Papa's we went!
The kiddos and I being silly at Papa and Nana's :)
I have to tell this story.... on our way to church there was a man bush hogging (Robert Bailey) across from County Line Grocery. Coming home from church, we saw 2 cop cars and a rescue squad over where he was bush hogging and it is a sight I will never get rid of. He was laying flat on his back and a paramedic was on top of him doing CPR while the others were getting the bed out of the Ambulance. I can still see his face, his nose, his head going up and down..... death was right there before us. Mr Bailey ended up passing away. I have never witnessed anything like that before. Ever! Please pray for that family.
Anyway.... Sunday night was ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH in the Colquett house. Kman didn't sleep a wink hardly. His ear was bothering him really bad. I gave him Tylenol, he threw that up... I gave him ear drops, he screamed bloody murder. He and I finally got snuggled on the couch about 3:30 or so and he got good and asleep by about 4:30.... Sophie woke up about 6 ish because she leaked out.... Kman woke up about 6:30 and well... the story goes..... *L*! So we were pretty tired yesterday.
We had a HUGE 4th of July party at Kyle's parents house.... it was very relaxing.
MeMe bought these super cute chairs for the kids. They absolutely love them! Of course I had to get their patriotic picture in them :)!! And as you can tell it is near 'bout impossible to get a good picture of all 3 of them.
I also had to get a picture of Heidi's Patriotic toes and then flops (Heidi, Karter, Heidi). Karter had to get a picture of his toes when he saw Bug was getting 2 of hers. His need a little manicuring according to the picture *L*!
We started hanging out by the pool fairly early. As you can tell the kids were already tired..... I had to get a video of H And K... "fussin".... Heidi wants him close to her and aggravating her, but she doesn't at the same time.
My Chilren's :)
Heidi Leigh in her appropriate attire for July 4th!
Sophie is fascinated by the pine straw... she LOVES playing in it.
Karter Man, Hank, and Heidi had a good time playing. They kept pretending like each other were the sharks.
Sophie took a really good nap.... about 3 hours long probably and Karter took one right after her.
So the big kids enjoyed her pool while she was napping.
I had to get this Candid Shot. Spot got in the water :)!! I think the kids enjoyed him playing with them.
Hank, Heidi, Bubba (Walker) and D-Daut (Daulton) played Chicken.
Babee and Soph :) Yep Soph has on a different swimsuit. Her other one was leaving a mark on her chest and we were afraid it was too tight.
My sweet Baby.....
Heidi had to have her Diva Moment.... she fell and scratched her ankle and leg.... and it bummed her out for a little while.
I think this is where Soph was eating anything that dropped on the floor. She is a garbage gut!! She ate all sorts of stuff yesterday and she LOVES watermelon. I thought this was a great picture of MeMe and Shelly Kate:
This Baby Girl sure did enjoy swimming with her KyKy.
She is so close to walking it's not even funny. She stands up without holding on to anything all the time. So it's literally a matter of days before she's taking off.....
Soph loved this Dragon... we joke because Amanda & Lindsay gave Heidi this dragon I think for her 1st birthday... and anyway it has been the best float ever. It like Will not die!! It stays blown up... jumping on, slid around, etc.... and it is 4 years old!!
The Boyington's also came over and they helped us start a new 4th of July tradition... it's called "Uncle Sam's Beard"... and you take ready whip and just put beards on each other. The kids loved doing it... especially to kyKy.
After everyone left, we just hung out in the carport....
She is so much fun!!
Last night we all piled in the car and headed to the lake to watch the fireworks. Sophie's hair was sticking straight up.... so you know Mrs Don't Go Anywhere Without Her Camera had to take a picture....
Kyle's supporting his country *L*!
So as you can tell we had a really good day yesterday. So has been asleep since about 830, but a helicopter came over the house really low so of course it was really loud and scared her. That's the only thing we can think of anyway.... so she's actually in my arms as I am typing this.
Here are some old pictures I found in my phone that Heidi took and thought I'd share:
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