Thursday, January 10, 2013

Imaginary Friend

If you are a Netflix addict like we are, then I recommend you adding Sundays at Tiffany's to your queue.  I don't know that your husbands would like it, but it is a great chick flick!  GREAT story line & NO cuss words.

The story line really got me to thinking.  This movie is about the little girl that had an imaginary friend, Michael, for years.  He was her very best friend.  Well on her birthday when she turned 10 he had to leave.  He hated to go, but it was just part of the "rules".  Jane was soooo upset.  Before he left, he had told her that she wouldn't remember him.  Anyway, the movie went on and on about that and then he came back years later. 

It brought back so many memories for me.  Well memories I have been told anyway because I have no recollection of my imaginary friend, Colleen.  My Dad loves telling stories about me and Colleen.  She was real to me for so many years.  He said I would have talks with her, she would eat supper with us, and basically go everywhere we went.  They always were curious where I came up with that name from.  It was such a strange name back when I was growing up.  He said we didn't know anyone with that name, I didn't have anyone at daycare with that name, no family, no nothing.

Years ago I looked up the meaning of Colleen.  Do you know what it means?  Little Girl!  Some versions say, Irish Girl.   Well, by all means that perked my eye brows!  Little girl? Really?  And then I watched this movie and it was just so strange because it was everything that I have always said.  I had this "friend" for YEARS, but yet I have 0..... ZERO...... remembrance of her.

I am a very spooky person and I always said growing up that my kids better not have an imaginary friend LOL.... I am  not sure what I would do? 

Anywho...... just some things to ponder :)!!!

1 comment:

  1. Toyia,
    I remember you having an imaginary friend, but I always thought you were saying "Tarlee". That is so funny!
