Monday, June 3, 2013

Heidi's Tie Dye Party- Happy 7th Birthday!

 This party was so much fun to me.  Heidi decided like right before her 6th party that she wanted her 7th to be a peace sign and tie dye party.  I immediately thought how fun.... and different :)!! I had never tie dyed before, so I am sure most of the kids hadn't.... so I knew they would all love it.  Despite the messiness of it of course.

I like to be "resourceful" when it comes to parties and use things that we are about to throw away or don't need.  A great example is the "a party "tie dye" for" wooden sign.  That was about to be trash and I was like wait..... let me do something fun with that :)!! So wah-lah!  I keep paint on hand.  So no cost involved :)!!
I loved her cake.  It was crooked LOL but I still loved it.  The 2nd tier just got put too far to the right, but I mean the cake was rather large, so I guess it could have shifted too.
 We did it Saturday afternoon, so provided supper for everyone.  We had hotdogs, chips, dip, hamburger dip, mexican cheese dip, fruit kabobs, jello, tie-dye tshirt cookies, & cheese puffs.  For drinks they had cherry limeade (made with diet ginger ale :) ) & lemonade. 

 My sanitizer for the party :)......
 The girls got peace sign bags and the boys got beach balls that were soccer balls, baseballs, etc.
 Some of my favorite party decorations were the sticks that I just painted different colors.  I had a big vase with really tall ones, but I guess I didn't get a picture of it :(.

 I bought this 7 at Hobby Lobby, I used my Silhouette and put peace signs on it, painted it, then chevron-ed it, and pulled the peace signs off :)! Wah-Lah!
 Mom found this peace sign and I tie dyed it with spray paint :).....

 One thing about this group of kids, most of them go to parties.  So if you invite kids, you can almost guarantee they are coming.  We probably had a total of 3 kids that didn't come that she invited.  I still smile when I look at these pictures of all the kids.

 I colored and froze sliced up lemons a couple days before the party and let them float in the lemonade.

Sophie Girl had herself a grand time coloring her shirt :).

 Some of the Momma's hanging out......
 This picture of KyKy & Soph is one of my favorites.

 Silly Brayden.....
 My birthday girl..... Whopping 7 years old! WHOA NELLY!
 My tie-dye hands....
 Of course Sissy & Lovie had to be part of the party too....
 This girl right here...... was wonderful.  She helped me soooo much to prepare for the party :)!!! Love her!!
 I was so excited to see my sweet friend, Andrea.  She brought her nephew :) Haven't seen her in years.  And of course the bestie :)!
 Heidi really wanted a big slide for her party.  I am glad we got it, because I am not sure how we would entertain that many kids without it. 

This was right when they set it up.....

 And then we decided to move it to the front yard.  More level :)!

 These ladies were closely keeping an eye on the kids haha. 

 Grandmama wasn't feeling well at all :(!!! She was hurting pretty bad with her Arthritis, so she kind of hung out close to the door and mostly inside in the cool air :)!! Aunt Kathy kept her good company.

 Tie-dying action going on....

 This was a couple days before hand.... Kayla is the cookie princess (her aunt Sam is the queen)... so she was helping to do our tshirt cookies.
 And then this is where we tested the tie-dye sheet that was under the cake :)!!

 So I really think she had a wonderful party :)!!!

One last picture to leave you with..... Kyro is such a good dad.  Heidi's friend, Madelyn, slid down the slide and her top came untied :)!! Instead of getting embarrassed, he just tied her right back up :)!!

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