Heidi weighed 36 pounds (we think). She has cried EVERY time and I mean EVERY time she has had to get on the scale ever since she was born. I do not understand because it takes all of 5 seconds, but she HATES it. So she wasn't standing still when sweet Allison was trying to weigh her.... so it was difficult... but we shot for 36 pounds. I forget her length, but I do know she was in the 55th% on her weight and 75th% on her height. Like Dr E said.... she has the body type every girl dreams of. I told her she could thank her dads side of the family. The Pattersons have those long skinny legs. She had to get 4 shots.... and oddly enough she was looking forward to them. She got her flu shot in her arm and she didn't even cry. But today she had to get them in her legs and oh my goodness she screamed BLOODY murder! And she had to pee in a cup and she didn't want to do that.... and Karter didn't feel well, so he was upset because Heidi was upset.... thankfully my mom went to help me. We finally got Heidi situated and settled down... so Dr E just sat on the table and talked to us.... I really like him! He spends a lot of time with us. Which he saw a lot of us with Karter and his AR!
Dr E was very inquisitive about Sophie. He has 2 that are 13 months apart (I think that's right) and he told me that it is a lot like twins except one can walk :)! But anyway... he wanted to know where I was having Sophie, which pediatrician I would use at the hospital, etc... He wants me to be sure to tell them that Karter had Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (aka GERD). He said that way if Sophie starts acting from the beginning like she might have it too (Lord I hope not) that while we are at the hospital they can go ahead and start treating her early on and we can go ahead and put her on a formula that will help it. Here is one of the pictures I have of one of our visits to Sacred Heart. That's Amanda talking to Karter. He was 2 months old here... almost 3. He was having all sorts of scans done and had to drink the chalk stuff. It was a long morning! Hopefully Sophie will not have to go through any of what sweet Karter did.
Anyway.... our sweet niece, Shelly Kate, is turning 5 tomorrow!!! We will have her party to go to Saturday!!! Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays.
Hope everyone gets to feeling better!