Mondays come way too fast!
We had a great weekend. Heidi's dance recital went so good.
Here are a few highlights of our weekend:
Can you find karter in the messy playroom? Heidi took this picture and I thought I'd show you how it is 90% of the time. I'm trying to teach them to put up the toys that they are finished playing with before they get something new out, but so far that isn't going so well *L*! So they then have this mess to clean up at one time.
Here are a few highlights of our weekend:
Can you find karter in the messy playroom? Heidi took this picture and I thought I'd show you how it is 90% of the time. I'm trying to teach them to put up the toys that they are finished playing with before they get something new out, but so far that isn't going so well *L*! So they then have this mess to clean up at one time.
Friday we had rehearsal again. We carpooled with Sara Catherine and Ashton all week so we joked that we weren't going to know what to think this week without seeing each other everyday and rushing here and there *L*!
Heidi Leigh took this picture of me helping Karter get his undies on! He wore undies most all weekend while we were outside. He didn't wear them yesterday, but that's because we were at my Dads swimming. We're not like "stressing" potty-training to him.... we are just making him well aware of it and trying to encourage him to go like a big boy. I was always told that little boys are harder to train than little girls. Heidi was trained in one weekend... and that was right after she turned 2.
We got home fairly early from dance practice which was nice. So we just hung out outside.... let the kiddos play in the water, rode the golf cart to Amanda & Jonathans, and ate Papa G's for supper :)
I did have a few projects to work on though. For the girl graduates (We got 3 girl invitations & 2 boys) I cricuted them the picture frame and I got the boy a beach towel :)! And then we have a couple at church getting married this weekend, so I made them this stone piece and got them a stand to put it on. We have one above our fireplace and LOVE it.
Saturday morning Kyle went fishing with a friend, so the kids and I just hung out. Of course they were up and ready to go outside shortly after 8. I think I held off until 9 though *haha*! From a little after 7:00-9:00 I had changed 4 diapers, made 2 gallons of koolaid, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, I was getting the applesauce out of the fridge and accidentally bumped the lemonade pitcher so I spilt the entire pitcher all over the kitchen floor, and then I was walking to the kids rooms and I noticed I had grits somehow all between my toes *L*!
Karter loves to drive the pink car and although it doesn't really look it.... he has gotten really good at driving it.
That afternoon we decided to fill the little pool up and hook the slip n slide up and let the kids have a ball playing in that. I enjoyed sunning while they played :) and I even cooked them corndogs and french fries and they had a picnic outside. Yes, Karter is nude in that picture *L*!! He didn't want to keep his pants on for whatever reason.... and the poor guy got too much sun :(! I was a bad mama and I didn't think about sunscreen until it was too late :(!! BUT no worries... yesterday he kept it caked on him.
That afternoon we went inside and rested for a couple hours before time to go to the recital. I got mom to take a family picture of us....
Here are the gifts I made for the dance girls. Kyle actually cut them out for me and then I painted them. They can hang up in their rooms and it's a board where they can hang notes, pictures, or whatever on.
Heidi, Sara Catherine, and Kinleigh before the recital started :)!
And show time..... She's on the right in the dances.... in the 3rd picture she's the 2nd from the left.
Okay in the left picture, that's Shelly kate with her arms up and Heidi's to the right of her. And she's on the yellow mat with her back bend.
Her friends, Oki & Presley came to watch her :)!!
After the recital, 11 of us went to Rancho Grande in Andalusia and ate. We were all starving.
Yesterday after church and lunch, we went to my dads to swim. Sophie and I got in for a little while, but the water was just too cold for us. It was hard to get used to it.... so we sunned most of the time *L*!! Karter Man REALLY enjoyed himself though and Heidi is swimming so well!
Karter loves to jump in. He doesn't even mind to jump in with you off the diving board or side of the deep end.
Eli, Max, & Oki joined us. The kids enjoyed their company :) And Heidi enjoyed having Oki to swim with.
Here's Oki jumping off the diving board:
Poor Sophie has been a little on the cranky side. She actually has a bottom tooth coming through. It has broke skin, but it's not all the way in yet. So I've been trying to keep her happy with Tylenol, Orajel, and teething tablets.
Anyway here are some other videos of them swimming.
Thankfully this week is low key. We need a week to recuperate *L*! And we're going to the beach this weekend and I am sooo looking forward to some R & R! Anyway.... Sophie is back asleep... so I have to go get ready for work :)! HAPPY MONDAY!!
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