Kyle didn't get home from work Friday night until 12:00 :(!!! So we spent a lot of the evening at my dads. It was quite an adventure when we got home... Sophie pooped in the tub, Karter didn't want to get a bath.... Heidi was thankfully bathed and rinsed when Soph did that, but not Sophie... so she and Karter took turns in the sink... then I had to clorox the tub and ALLLLL the toys.... wash bottles and sippy cups, etc.... thankfully MeMe came at just the right time. Those extra hands were so helpful!
Saturday we had to be at the AHS Auditorium at 11:10 for dress rehearsal.
MeMe got some pictures of us while we were getting ready. Kyle slept in. He was still asleep when we left to go to Andalusia. But he deserved it :)!! He works hard!
Babee went with us :)!! She was a ton of help too! So we had to go to her house for her to braid Heidi Leigh's hair!! She sewed Heidi and Sara Catherine's outfits for us and did all the accessories. I didn't realize what all went into dance recitals. I don't remember getting all the costumes ready when I was growing up.... I just thought you showed up and wore your suit *L*!
After rehearsal, we had to run to the Dollar General because of all things, I forgot Heidi's panties *L*!! And I packed her this dress haha!!
Then we went and ate us a YUMMY Steamboat Chicken Salad Sandwich, got us a VERY enjoyable pedicure.... Heidi's spoiled rotten *L*, went to Maurices, Walmart, and then home. Very nice girls outing.
So Sunday morning... Karter was in the bathroom with Kyle while Kyle got a shower and anyway... somehow Kyle was oblivious that Karter was in my makeup!! This is WATERPROOF mascara Allllll over his face. Thankfully it came off of his face and it came out of his hair the next day *L*!!
Kyle's dad and uncle plants a Sunflower patch each year... well he told us they had bloomed and were about to go away, so I wanted to go take the kids pictures after church Sunday. I'm wanting to re-do our dining room and I would like to put a canvas picture of the kids on the wall.... but I don't think any of these turned out as good as I hoped for.
So Beautiful.... And like she said tonight..... Sara Catherine said, "Heidi when are you going to be four again?" and Heidi said, " I won't ever be four again".... that really kind of broke my heart.... I was like.... she is soooooo right!! She will NEVER EVER EVER be four years old again :(!!!
Of course my Karter Man gets distracted very easily *L*!! He decided to play in the dirt with his shoe *L*!!
After pictures (Oh which by the way Kyle got two calls on Sunday, so he missed it... but thankfully Tyler went with me), we went to my dads house and they grilled steaks for Tyler's 19th Birthday lunch :)!
Sophie Lynne was enjoying playing in just her bloomers at Papa & Nana's!
I got these next pictures a little out of order... sorry! Monday we had dance practice at 3:30. That went very smoothly.
Last night we had practice and when we got home, Tyler, Mama, Jody, Kent, Kyle, and my children were all here.... and about 10 minutes later, Amanda pulled up. I LOVE it when I have company over. The more the merrier! I thought I was absolutely STARVING so we all loaded up and went to the Blue Flame for a burger.
We had to of course feed and water the ducks and chickens before we left.... the duck Karter was holding didn't even "QUACK"... it just seemed very comfortable in his arms.
Poor Amanda has had a rough week. Someone broke into their barn Saturday night. So if anyone sees or hears about a barrell racing saddle and it seems suspicious please let me know.
Last night Heidi ended up spending the night with Babee and KyKy. We played outside for a good bit until they left (After we ate at the Blue Flame).
Here's ghostly Heidi :)
Karter wheeled her suitcase around the yard. Also, our backyard neighbor is Trey. Trey is in Heidi's preschool class :)!! I think it is sooo cool that they just run to the fence and will talk back and forth or he'll come over here and play and vice versa. We want to put a gate up so they can just go back and forth. It's really neat listening to their conversations :)! Like yesterday.... Trey is in her class, but he won't start kindergarten this year because he has a late birthday. So she said, "What are you doing now?" And he said, "Well I guess I'll see if I can play tee ball since I didn't get to graduate"... They just have such grown up conversations... it really brings a smile to my face to hear them talk.
Sophie is allllll about animals! She loves Josh.
Sweet Sophie!
Monday night we didn't have practice. I was able to wash clothes, cook supper, etc. Sophie thought it was so funny to play with me outside the door *L*!! So her daddy got some snap shots.
Heidi and Sara Catherine "Balancing" while we were waiting on Ashton to pick us up :)! We've been carpooling all week which has been nice.
Beautiful Girl! They want them to wear bright red lipstick and blue eye shadow :)!!
We got out of rehearsal at almost 7 tonight and went to David's Catfish for supper.
Sara Catherine and Heidi did a few poses for us before we went in.... haha!
Just so happen that the other "Opp Girls" ate there too... so we got a group picture! I'm not even going to try to name these girls because there are a couple that I'm not positive of their names.
This is Heidi's friend Sara. She LOVES Sara. Sara is an AMAZING dancer!! She can do any kind of flips, arials, etc. Very inspiring!
When we got home, Soph was snoozing in MeMe's arms :) And Karter was sitting with his daddy. He played for a little while before hitting the sack.... and then while I got a shower, Heidi decided to play dress up in my closet *L*!!
Enjoy this video before you go though :) Be sure to turn your sound on!
The sunflower pictures were precious!