Well I found some things that I haven't shared with you all :)! And y'all know how much I love my sweet little family, so I just have to share.
Several weeks ago I just was in the mood to cook a "good" meal. My friend Whitney suggested Paula Dean's Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf and English Pea Casserole. The casserole was unbelievably yummy, but I am just not a meatloaf fan :)!! Anyway, while I was getting all of that going, the kiddos enjoyed putting makeup on one another :)!! You would have thought they were at an actual glamour shop. They had so much fun.
Just don't tell their Daddy that Karter got involved too :-/..... he joined the girls before I knew it.
Beautiful huh???
So here's all the meatloaf ingredients..... then I just mixed it all up :)!!
HAHA.... just being silly.....
Okay.... I know this is very random to see a picture of Sinead O'Connor on here.... but there is a story behind it :)!! It came on the radio and I had to take a picture of it to send to my Dad. When I was a wee little girl, he and I used to sing this song all the time and I remember always referring to her as the bald headed lady.
These two babies get a bath together every night. Althought they fight like cats and dogs, sometimes they would rather get on each others nerves than be away from one another.
:) Found this too. Heidi's friend, Oki, had a girls play date one day not long after school got out. Heidi had so much fun.
OMG okay..... so Sophie and I had to go to WalMart one day.... well thankfully this happened AFTER we were finished shopping. I was walking to the car, holding Sophie of course, and I kept stumbling. I mean I am used to falling occasionally, but this was frequent. I was very embarrassed and afraid I was going to drop Soph. Anyway, got to the car to find out that my blooming shoe had actually broke :(!!! Thing is, I hadn't had these but a few months.
Awwwww gosh this is last month..... Emmie Kate gave Kman his birthday present and he absolutely loved it. He carried this fishing pole to swimming lessons (Where we were headed in this picture).
HAHA I took this one morning for my mom. I was showing her how much Sophie loves a back rub. She will just randomly ask you to "Rub my back".... "Pweeeeeeeze" she'll say *L*!!!
This was the makeup night *L*!!! Can't you still see it on Heidi's face some? They were chillin' out before passing out *L*!!
Baahaaaa and this was just one of those moments where I just had to laugh & get a picture. I was cooking supper and in a matter of a couple minutes, Sophie Lynne had made this mess with the clothes I had just brought in to fold . Something else huh??? LOL!!!
My Aunt Becky had sent me this picture of me, Kyle, and the kiddos at the beach the other Saturday. We were helping them build a sand castle *L*!!
Oh gosh...... I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am to not have breakfast's like these any longer. Will I still wake up tired??? Oh I know I will, but at least I won't have to wake up early after a bad night, get ready, get the 3 of them together, and run them from here to there. I can be tired in my bed and pjs a little longer some days. But seriously, this was my "nutrionalist" breakfast 2 days in a row. Wow huh??? IKR!!!
Anyway..... nighty night :)!!!!
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