Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sophie's 9 month birthday

HAHA Yes that is a blue sippy.... she likes Karter's better than hers... just as Karter likes Heidi's better than his.... you know how it goes :)
My sweet Sophie Lynne is 9 months old already. WOW! That means no more bottles to wash in 3 months :)!! YAY!!! haha!

What's going on in Sophie's World at 9 months:
* She weighs 15 lbs
*She's made it back on the charts... she is now in the 5th% for weight. Dr E told me today that he will most likely put her on the formula for toddlers when she turns one instead of milk because of the calories.
*She's 27 1/4" long (average height and head circumference)
*She still wears a size 1-2 Pampers Swaddlers... and has been in some size 2 diapers... they are a little big, but I'm not going to buy anymore 1-2, so a 2 shall be it from now on.
*She still has fluid on both ears :(... the left one worse than the right :(
*She can crawl super fast
*She can pull up on pretty much anything
*She loves to "talk" and just yell out... just to let you know she is still here
*She still wears her pearl bracelet :)
*She really doesn't like to have the headband/flower/bow in her hair anymore :(
*I fix a 6 oz bottle each time, but like tonight, she only drank 3 oz. She rarely drinks an entire bottle, but I keep fixing 6 hoping that she will.
*She says "bye bye bye" and does her hand in a bye bye motion
*She eats oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt for breakfast, Kids World says she eats well for them... I send a veg and fruit for lunch, so I'm assuming she eats both of those for them., and most nights she'll eat at least 1 jar of baby food.... every blue moon she'll eat 2, but usually at least 1 1/4 of food... sometimes 1 1/2.
*She still loves her paci when she's upset or sleepy
*She sleeps ALL night... YAY!!!
*She loves her Mommy :) and her Mommy loves her!!

These were taken this morning at the doctor's office:

This baby girl lights my World up!! Soooo sweet.

I hate her ears still aren't back to normal, so I have to take her back in 3 weeks to get a check on them.

*** Valerie the blog facelift was for you... I hope that helped your problem.

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