Friday, August 13, 2010

Playing catch up....

Whew.... it's been a few days since I have blogged. Honestly I guess those days are getting fewer... I love blogging because it is a good way for me to just unwind and lash out all my feelings, but I am so much busier now and by the time things to calm down each night I am exhausted and it takes all I can not to fall asleep walking :)!

The past few days have still been an adjustment process. Kyle and I stay so very tired because Karter nor Sophie sleep all night. With Sophie we expect it... I mean she's a newborn.. and she really doesn't do bad. She usually only gets up once... the only thing is when I am up with her we are up 1 hr - 1 1/2 hrs. She likes to drink some bottle... stare at me.... do her business... then maybe drink the rest of her bottle and then fall asleep. Karter usually gets up several times a night... mostly to drink a cup of milk. I think he is so hungry when he goes to bed that milk seems to be the only thing that really satisfies him; however, tonight he ate a bowl full of cheese grits right before he went to sleep and knock on wood.... he hasn't woken up yet (3;30am).

Daycare is still going great. Heidi is loving preschool. This week they have been practicing with scissors. They had to cut straight edges, curvy edges, circles, and like curved edged to straight edges all in one... it almost looked like a bridge.... and then yesterday they practiced drawing (tracing too) circles. Karter cried Tuesday and Wednesday when I left him, but not yesterday... so hopefully he is warming up. His biggest adjustment is nap time. He's used to being rocked to sleep and at daycare he has to lay on a cot and go to sleep. I also love going in to get them each afternoon and hearing what Ms Haley tells me he had to eat that day. A lot of days he won't eat for them... so they have at least started giving him yogurt so he has something in his tummy. Wednesday he ate some sausage and dipped it in yogurt.... yesterday he ate some chicken flavored romaine noodles (I asked what flavor so I could buy some *hehe*) and would dip the noodles in yogurt... I said heck whatever it takes. And sweet Sophie has done great. She is not a hard baby and it's amazing the difference in Soph since I changed her formula to Enfamil and she started her antibiotic for Thrush. Yep.... she had it.... I took her first thing Tuesday morning. She only weighed 9 lbs 5 oz... which was only 2 oz since the last visit.... I'll be curious to see how much she weighs at her 2 month check up. But she is doing lots better now... her little mouth and throat were just pure hurting from the Thrush.

I'm trying to think if there is anything else exciting that went on that I'm forgetting about.... oh Tyler started his first year at college. I think it has been very overwhelming for him.... it's been really sad just knowing that he isn't in Opp anymore and he is actually a "Big Kid" now. I miss the stinker!

Here are some pictures to recap the past few days....

Lindsay came over and let Heidi play beautician

At Papa and Nana's

We have really enjoyed the kiddo seat on dads new bike.

Beautiful Heidi after tumbling

Then I had to give it a try.... I have to work on my landing skills though.... I can't reach the ground and my balance isn't very good... needless to say.

KyKy getting in some Sophie time before he heads off to college....

My dad had sinus surgery Thursday, August 5th. Yana was getting him cleaned and doctored for the night... Heidi didn't want to help her, but she was very interested in what she was doing.

HAHA.... pictures that Heidi took of herself.... ENJOY!!

Oh my how I love my three loves.... this was taken the last morning we were home together

Being silly.....

Karter needed a turn....

He is all about turning a light on and off.... he can actually say "light".

My dads birthday was Friday the 6th. The kids and I made him a card. I painted each of their hand and foot prints and stamped the card... Heidi even made me do mine :)

That night we grilled some hamburgers for dad. Here's Aunt Kathy and Lauri feeding Frazier and Sophie. It is going to be so much fun watching them grow together.

Frazier loves his Moses basket.... so I wanted to see what Sophie thought of it.... she actually liked it too :)

Oh boy.... Saturday morning Karter had a hay day with cheese puffs :) But hey... what was he doing with an open bag of cheese puffs anyway *hehe*!

Saturday night we went to Myori's Japense Steakhouse to celebrate Jonathan's birthday. There's a story behind them sitting in the back :) I get car sick easy now.... so Amanda and I sat up front... Lindsay and Sterling went (that was our first time hanging out with him) and we didn't want them to feel uncomfortable so they sat in the middle *L*!!! Poor Kyle and Jonathan... they were so glad when the ride was over and they could stretch.

This was our first outing without a single child. We left at 5 and was home a little after 7 :)

Heidi and Sophie before church Sunday morning....

After church we went to my moms to eat lunch and spend some quality time with KyKy before he left for Troy.

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